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TVB faces dilemma in airing mainland TV drama

... ng Kai as Prince Jing. It is the story of Lin Shu, who uses the alias Mei Changsu, to seekjustice for his family, which was framed 12 years earlier. Lin also helps his childhood friend ascend to the t ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-06

Saudi reform plan approved by top economic council

Saudi Arabia's National Transformation Plan, a pivotal element of the "Vision 2030" reforms announced in April by Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, will be put before the cabinet for approval M ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-06

沙地不自量 Uber勢更強

... :沙地阿爾瓦德王子(Prince Alwaleed)多年來一直動用私人財力這樣做,投資對象包括互聯網公司美國在 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年06月03日

愛德華王子島 百萬頃田野樂

夏天不期然令人想起陽光與海灘,不過,夏天不一定是熱辣辣的。筆者去年盛夏到了加拿大的愛德華王子島(Prince ...全文


列支敦士登親王菲利普 王室智慧經營私人銀行

... 支敦士登親王菲利普(Prince Philipp),是該國元首漢斯亞當二世( Prince Hans-Adam ...全文


Sand-throwing robbers get away with HK$60,000 in Tai Kok Tsui

... ection of Prince Edward, Apple Daily reported. Passersby helped the woman call police. She was taken to hospital for treatment. The woman returned to the crime scene to assist police in their investig ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-20

How Xi Jinping is scheming for one-man rule

... ch "crown prince" arrangement didn't continue at the end of Hu's tenure. Xi faced thinly-veiled opposition from from Bo Xilai (薄熙來) before taking power, followed by a fight among different factions, w ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-19

Rat creates chaos on MTR; boars take a walk in the park

... the MTR's Prince Edward Station, creating panic among the passengers. They fled the train at Yau Ma Tei Station, Apple Daily reported Wednesday. A report on hk01.com said some passengers screamed and ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-18

Hospital apologizes to pregnant woman over false HIV report

... -- at the Prince of Wales Hospital here, as well as at two hospitals in Shenzhen. On April 29, the Prince of Wales Hospital informed her that the test showed no HIV virus, according to Apple Daily. Ch ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-10


... ver Stone和Prince Edward等名人亦曾下榻。Strand Hotel旁是高端的辦公樓Stra ...全文



... 價值。奧巴馬笑言:「Prince George穿着睡袍見我,摑了我一巴掌。」其實英國的女皇、小王子出場,盡皆細 ...全文


呂德斯海姆 酒香飄入萊茵河

... in古堡了,曾經屬於Prince Friedrich Wilhelm的封地,如今則是Hecher家族所有,現由 ...全文



美國執法人員周四透露,正調查4月21日去世的美國流行樂巨星Prince【圓圖】是否因服用過量藥物致死。當局將調 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2016年04月30日


... owie)至較早時的Prince,乃至非洲著名歌手帕帕文巴(Papa Wemba)都相繼逝世,幾乎每周都有名人 ...全文


Saudi reform plan pleases markets but not skeptics

Saudi Arabia has unveiled a sweeping economic reform plan to reduce its economy's dependence on oil revenue. Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman promised to invest Saudi petrodollars more aggressi ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-26

Prince cremated and honored but resting place to remain private

Prince's remains have been cremated and his family and friends attended a private ceremony to pay their respects to the late pop superstar at the studio complex where he died in a suburb of Minneapoli ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-25


美國流行樂巨星Prince上周猝死,遺體已火化,親友周六在他的明尼蘇達州寓所舉行私人告別儀式,歌迷在寓所外掛上 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2016年04月25日

Prince猝死傳濫藥 樂壇「紫雨」湮滅
曲風引領潮流 捍衞版權作品拒上網

全球樂壇今年流年不利,繼大衞寶兒(David Bowie)過身後再傳噩耗。美國流行樂巨星Prince周四在明尼 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年04月23日

兩天王一時瑜亮 八十年代鬧不和

Prince【右】與巨星米高積遜(Michael Jackson)【左】是馳騁八十年代的樂壇天王,雖然兩人否認 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年04月23日

Legendary pop star Prince dead at 57

Music superstar Prince, whose genre-defying songs produced such hits as Purple Rain and When Doves Cry and won seven Grammy Awards and an Oscar, is dead at 57. Prince was found unresponsive in an elev ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-22

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