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What gives rise to soft power, and what doesn't

... – and not sharp (cf. Joseph Nye's critique) – power, it ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightA Hongkonger2021年12月29日

What gives rise to soft power, and what doesn’t

... – and not sharp (cf. Joseph Nye’s critique) – power, it needs to shift away from coercive and imposing mechanisms in its foreign policy, and turn instead to paying greater attention to a voluntarist, ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-28

Does Japan vindicate modern monetary theory?

... sult in a sharp recession. The only other option would be for the BoJ to continue to buy up the debt, which would result in still higher inflation, if not hyperinflation. Moreover, the fact that a def ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-23

Hong Kong Ballet’s sparkling new Nutcracker

... Lewis was sharp and precise as Dew Drop Fairy. Wei Wei was authoritative as Tao Sifu. In the Sunday matinee, Amber Lewis shone as the Sugar Plum Fairy, and Peggy Lai was warm as Clara. Overall, this o ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-14

「紅白機之父」辭世 終年78歲

... 後加入電器品牌聲寶(Sharp)的前身早川電機工業株式會社,其後於1971年加入遊戲機開發商任天堂,初期成功利 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年12月10日


... 的眼睛十分醒(英語是Sharp),我則要去配新的眼鏡了。能自嘲是不容易的,有些人會想高高在上,但幽默的領導者受 ...全文



... 使用美國Merck Sharp & Dohme藥廠治療新冠病毒藥物,以及少量「單株抗體」藥物。 31歲 ...全文



... and short-sharp syllables! 華盛頓大橋,跨越紐約哈德遜河,在電視電影中常見。信中寫有 ...全文


助打造「超級程式」 挑戰亞馬遜fb

... 辦人夏普(Evan Sharp)辭職過檔到設計公司LoveFrom,同時該公司正在處理一群前職員指摘其歧視女性 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年10月22日

PayPal據報洽購Pinterest 涉資或逾3000億

... 共同創辦人Evan Sharp上周離開公司,轉投蘋果前高層 Jony Ive創立的公司LoveFrom。 ...全文


鴻騰附屬提訴夏普 要求退還59億日圓

... 於日本向公司關連人士Sharp Corporation(夏普)提起法律訴訟,聲稱股份購買協議因夏普的失實陳述而 ...全文


MacBook Pro下周登場 配10核心自家晶片

... Pro將採用由LG及Sharp供應的miniLED屏幕,並支援120Hz屏幕更新率,顯示效果料跟iPad Pr ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2021年10月14日

Bad weather, bad luck for HK?

...  we saw a sharp stock rebound for Hang Seng Index – led by the ATM (Alibaba, Tencent and Meituan) – in the past three days but the momentum was somewhat curbed by Wall Street weakness. Would odd weath ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-13


... 能化為該國的銳實力(sharp power)。反之,若一味集中於官腔官方模式的「一軌外交」,再配以最為膚淺、粗 ...全文


China’s housing Conundrum

... firms), a sharp drop in housing prices could prove painful and cascade catastrophically into other sectors. In principle, banks are protected by substantial down payments, often amounting to 30% or mo ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-30

Taming the stagflationary winds

... think the sharp fall in Delta-variant cases in the United Kingdom foreshadows what lies ahead for the US and other countries still in the grips of the latest COVID-19 wave. And they take comfort from ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-24

Goldilocks is dying

... cently to sharply slower growth and a surge of inflation well above the 2% target of central banks, owing to the effects of the Delta variant, supply bottlenecks in both goods and labor markets, and s ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-24


... 辦人Isadore Sharp則保留5%股權。 兩大巨富入主之後,四季集團加速擴張,由原本40多家酒店,到目前 ...全文


Afghanistan offers chance for U.S.-China collaboration

... s taken a sharp turn for the worse, mainly because the United States has “made a strategic miscalculation” about China. Now, he said, the United States should stop viewing China as a threat and rival, ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-09

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