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... 亨德森(Nikki Henderson)據報由英國乘坐飛機到美國,協助通貝里及其父親乘船到葡萄牙首都里斯本,並 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年12月03日

無心無肺 一世小丑

... 半場先靠佐敦軒達臣(Henderson)門前射入追平,再憑穆罕默德沙拿射入12碼贏2比1,得以保住6分的領先優 ...全文


CE policy address to focus on housing in bid to regain support

... ng, while Henderson Land Development Co. Ltd. (00012.HK) said it would donate land in Yuen Long to build youth and other subsidized housing. The Democratic Party and the pro-establishment Democratic A ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-15

Crowds protest after mall staff arrested for obstructing police

... erty firm Henderson Land, after they received a report of vandalism to one of shops in the mall as well as facilities in the nearby Ma On Shan MTR Station. But security guards refused entry to the off ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-10

Property firms urge dialogue to end social unrest

... pment and Henderson Land Development -- issued separate statements individually on Tuesday calling on protesters to stop using violence to express their opinions, and expressing their support for the ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-14


... um)、佐敦軒達臣(Henderson)和華基爾雲迪積克(van Dijk)等,帶住一眾小將如活特本(Wood ...全文



... ne)和佐敦軒達臣(Henderson)都未必正選搏殺,國家隊的「關公」文稿則不經意地洩露機密訊息。 「我希望 ...全文


Tycoon Lee Shau-kee, 91, hands over business empire to sons

... rector of Henderson Land Development (00012.HK) because of his advanced age, the group announced during its annual shareholders meeting on Tuesday. Those who attended the event noted that Lee needed a ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-29

Banker David Li is stepping down – but not retiring

... ong Kong. Henderson Land (00012.HK) chairman Lee Shau-kee, for example, will pass the baton next week to his two sons – Martin Lee Ka-shing and Peter Lee Ka-kit. Like David Li, the 91-year-old Lee wil ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-23

巴塞午夜夢迴 紅軍奇幻逆轉

... 鐘,中場佐敦軒達臣(Henderson)入楔射門被救出,奧歷治門前執雞,打破僵局,領先半場。所謂高風險就有高回 ...全文


美國能源股跑輸大市 專家料下半年有望追上

... 得宜。 Janus Henderson Investors分析員Noah Barrett估計,能源股在今年較後 ...全文



... 物浦隊友佐敦軒達臣(Henderson)。 上季升呢 史達寧速度高、扭得好、踢得鬼馬,欠的是門前一腳,由利物浦 ...全文


Lee Shau-kee plans to retire, hand over reins to two sons

Property magnate Lee Shau-kee, 91, is considering stepping down from his posts as chairman and managing director of Henderson Land Development (00012.HK) for “being advanced in age”, the company said ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-21

Cheung Kong Center: For those who can pay the top rental dollar

... eloped by Henderson Land and Sun Hung Kai Properties, whose valuation was up 5 percent for the calendar year 2019/2020 compared to the previous fiscal. This makes us wonder about the value of the spac ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-19

Almost half of HK's 50 richest see wealth decline: Forbes

... airman of Henderson Land Development (00012.HK), came in second on the list with a net worth of US$30 billion, down US$2.9 billion or 8.8 percent from the year before. Lee Man-tat, chairman of Lee Kum ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-15


... 手駿利(Janus Henderson),由於基金回報跟他在PIMCO後期相比並無改善,客戶遂以腳投票紛紛撤資 ...全文


「債王」格羅斯退休 默認風光不再

... 利集團(Janus Henderson),日後集中精力管理其個人資產及私人慈善基金,反映他默認自己無法重拾昔日 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年02月08日


... 森投資(Janus Henderson)稍前宣布,格羅斯將於3月1日退休,以集中精力管理其個人資產及私人慈善基 ...全文



駿利亨德森投資(Janus Henderson)宣布,有「債王」之稱的格羅斯(Bill Gross)將於3月1 ...全文


Cleaner arrested after falling hotel window kills tourist

... developer Henderson Land Development Co. Ltd., the Hong Kong Economic Journal reports. Police said that as she was trying to open the 44cm x 130cm window to clean it, it suddenly got detached and plum ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-22

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