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... 滿貫,與Bunny Austin橫掃4屆台盃,追平1903至06年的舊紀錄。命運可能沿着平行時空前進,梅利在2 ...全文


佛學碩士生陳潔靈 笑說四個十年

... 爵士天后Patti Austin及Janis Siegel在大學會堂舉行兩場音樂會。她曾推出唱片《隨想》,以爵 ...全文


高球 : 曾雅妮暫失榜首

LPGA橫濱輪胎精英賽第三輪未能完成,合共5名中國姑娘攜手晉級,名氣平平的美國球手安絲(Austin Erns ...全文



Q房網聯席董事梁婉雯表示,促成尖沙咀柯士甸站The Austin 5A座中層D室,實用面積416平方呎,1房間 ...全文



... 樂壇巨星Patti Austin和Janis Siegel跟香港歌星陳潔靈同台演出,向這位爵士樂大師致敬。三位 ...全文


佐敦單幢蚊型新盤 貴同區近一成

... 沙咀柯士甸站The Austin一手平均價7.6%。 定價進取 料仍受捧 發展商即日起收票,料月內發售,大手買 ...全文


We must keep pushing the govt to fix lead-in-water crisis

... wn as The Austin was also found to have excessive levels of lead in its tap water, suggesting that the contamination crisis is no longer limited to public housing estates and that even luxury homes bu ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-03


... 在連尖沙咀新建的私樓Austin亦驗出食水含鉛超標,足證食水污染問題,可能已非局限於公共屋邨,連私營發展商興建 ...全文


美青年製「飛行槍」 無傷人難執法

... 械工程大學生霍沃特(Austin Haughwout),其父出面辯護,認為該無人機應稱作「遙控四軸飛行器」,指 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年07月23日


特區鉛水事件,受影響屋邨居民人心惶惶。最慘現在愈掘愈深,連豪宅Austin水質也被驗出超標。我覺得今次風波,是 ...全文


What if we stopped the express rail project right now?

... avel from Austin Station to Futian Port, only eight minutes longer than if they had taken the XRL. Since the construction of the XRL officially began in 2010, taxpayers have already paid HK$45 billion ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-03

Bank executive arrested after wayward Ferrari kills guard in TST

... rfront on Austin Road West surnamed Koo. He was unconscious when he was rushed to the hospital where he was later pronounced dead. The incident happened around 7 a.m. Tuesday while Ebert was driving t ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-10

Want to stay together? Don't mess with the hair budget

... . Phoenyx Austin, a fitness expert in Washington and author of If You Love It, It Will Grow and the children's book Love Your Hair. "You don't want someone telling you you're spending too much money. ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-08

The Austin中層2.6萬租出

世紀21高鐵物業董事林澤斌表示,新入伙的尖沙咀柯士甸站The Austin 5A座中層E室,以每月2.6萬租出 ...全文

今日信報地產市道周六地產專題 簡訊2015年06月06日

8死12失蹤 得州37縣緊急狀態

... 南部,包括奧斯汀市(Austin)及海斯縣發出山洪暴發警告,指出雷雨帶正靠近該區,預計帶來額外約80至150毫 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年05月27日

China Renaissance eyes HK, US dual listings for tech firms

... Center in Austin Road. The full setting up of China Renaissance's equities business in Hong Kong will offer investors the opportunity to be part of China's growth story and will provide many Chinese T ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-20


... 沙咀柯士甸站The Austin單位,現已可收樓,打算放租,以早前該項目成交呎租約50元計,白韻琹指自己的單位 ...全文


From HK to Shenzhen: How used iPhones are given a second life

...  tower on Austin Road in East Tsim Sha Tsui, hosts several trading firms engaged in the trade of used smartphones. Among the tower’s major tenants is Guang Yi Co. Ltd., one of the largest wholesale di ...More

EJ Insight2015-04-30

What a viral map of home prices on MTR line tells us

... d for the Austin station while Park Towers was chosen to represent Tin Hau station. Prices in these estates were then mapped. Leung said the methodology is logical. The distance between each MTR stati ...More

EJ Insight2015-04-29

US aid worker confirmed dead; Obama vows to hunt down culprits

... ournalist Austin Tice disappeared in Damascus in August 2012. It is unclear who is holding Tice or if he is still alive. Mueller's family said in a statement on Tuesday that they were "heartbroken" to ...More

EJ Insight2015-02-11

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