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葉劉反釋法 促落實同婚裁決

... 係立法會去做,係由你court of final appeal(終院), the judges make th ...全文



... 立法會嚟去做,係由你court of final appeal, the judges make the la ...全文


The attention economy goes to court

The Google antitrust trial has finally shown just how much the world’s dominant search engine is willing – and able – to pay to be the default on smartphones and other devices: $26 billion in 2021 alo ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-14

倫敦Rotherhithe大型重建 樓市添動力
Canada Water規模媲美太古城 工作消閒集一身

... ad的Brunel Court一個2房單位,今年6月以51.1萬英鎊(約495萬港元)易手,原業主2012年4 ...全文


「惡魔」入罪有先例 訴訟動輒十數年

... 庭」(Gacaca court)審理,判刑較輕,強調和解多於懲罰。     ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus2023年11月11日


... d Supreme Court Chamber開庭。現在房間看來細小陰暗,討論時間長的話,法官必定打瞌睡。我對 ...全文


Will greenwashing prevent HK from becoming the next green hub?

... se in the court of law and public opinion. When environmental actions fall short of a company’s promises or mislead consumers with false claims of being environmentally friendly, they risk reputationa ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-06

With Russia, China is Big Brother

...  Criminal Court in March issued a warrant for his arres ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年11月04日

With Russia, China is big brother

...  Criminal Court in March issued a warrant for his arrest for the mass abduction of Ukrainian children. In his speech, Putin outlined many projects on which Russia and China could co-operate. But nothi ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-02

以愛之名 全面管治

... 法庭申請成年監護權(Court-sanctioned conservatorship),同年更獲判為「永久性」 ...全文



馬鞍山雲海Maple Court 2座鳳凰樓層戶,實用面積1085方呎,附216方呎平台,3房套房連儲物室間隔 ...全文


The case for civil unions for same-sex couples

In the wake of recent landmark rulings by the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal regarding the rights of same-sex couples as well as the Court of Appeal of the High Court of Hong Kong’s ruling on same-se ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-20


... istrates' Court)出庭應訊。 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2023年10月19日


... The Great Court。在巨庭和劍河中間還設計了另一個庭院Nevile's Court。 劍橋大學英皇 ...全文


Thinking fast and slow: On Hong Kong as a tourist hub

... ttempt to court tourists. From campaigns such as ‘Happy Hong Kong’ to ‘Night Vibes Hong Kong’ (excellently translated, to be fair), to initiatives such as the handing-out of free air tickets to those ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-10

倫敦Chiswick Gunnersbury近郊無改便利
配套完善不遜市中心 38分鐘抵金融區

... 的Beverley Court分層戶,今年4月以44.5萬英鎊(約423萬港元)轉售,相對2000年6月的成交 ...全文


UK cities declare bankruptcy

... e Supreme Court ruled that the city had discriminated against hundreds of woman employees in not giving them bonuses awarded to their male colleagues. This ruling has cost the council 1.1 billion poun ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-06

UK cities declare bankruptcy

... e Supreme Court ruled that the city had discriminated a ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年10月06日

Should judges punish young offenders too harshly?

...  A recent court ruling just one week after I returned to Hong Kong so disturbed me that I felt I must pick up my pen again. The case involved Cheung Chi-hin, an 18-year-old who was just 15 when a frie ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-05


... 示,海日灣最新成交為Court D 2座9樓A室,實用面積1534方呎,4房間隔,成交價2932萬元,實用呎價 ...全文


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