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Elite British schools in China face an uncertain future

...  school's design fully embraces Harrow's requirement to ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2021年12月16日

恒基半山尊尚精品住宅「CAINE HILL」曯目登場 打造中環時尚頂尖生活國度

... 由屢獲殊榮的AGC Design Ltd設計,並以紐約 Greenwich Village為靈感,流線型露台設 ...全文


Digital transformation of HK's construction industry

... ter-aided design (CAD) drawing, internet of things (IoT), and digital twins, a user can remain on the same platform without the need to switch from one interface to another. This central repository fo ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-13

廣告人轉型造遊戲 重塑城寨風情

... 設計公司Index Design,現時主要客戶為連鎖餐飲品牌,包括Pizza Hut、美心、聖安娜、大家樂等, ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2021年12月06日

藝廊為本 海天一色

... ton Leung Design Workshop) 設計主題 : 藝廊概念   撰文:胡海德 lawrenc ...全文


Europe’s two peace missions

...  and help design new rules and treaties resembling the arms-control pacts that previously helped protect the world from nuclear Armageddon. It can do so while safeguarding fundamental liberal democrat ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-01


全球憧憬元宇宙(Metaverse)概念。由本港創意設計公司Index Design成立的遊戲工作室Index ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2021年11月25日

Diversifying talents to help HK thrive as a financial hub

... uding the design of specific measures to enhance the demand for the issuance and trading of RMB securities and allow stocks traded via the southbound trading under Stock Connect to be denominated in R ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-22

Green economy transformation needs talent support

... n product design, etc. all need talents who understand environmental protection standards to meet the goal of carbon reduction. The transition to a green economy requires the participation of the fina ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-19


... teraction Design)和第五的公共會計(Public Accounting),其餘都是與工程或電腦 ...全文


溫情木調 親子居室

...  Interior Design) 設計主題 : 家庭為重   撰文:胡海德 lawrencewu@hkej. ...全文


拔萃男書院 強烈歸屬感傳承助人精神

... ation and Design技巧,中二中三學生到訪社福機構,了解老人家的需要,回校設計產品和做報告。我們着 ...全文



... 閣樓設計(Loft Design)、屋頂結構支撐、金屬窗框和混凝土地台等,後疫情建築常態就此應運而生。 何周禮 ...全文


The economy that planetary health requires

... period to design a true people- and planet-centered economy. The growing planetary health community has an important role to play in creating an alternative that will help us overcome the pandemic and ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-09

遇百年完美風暴 波音有力出生天

... wing body design,指機翼和機身合一,如B-2轟炸機)的洲際民航機,以獨特設計提高飛機升力及燃油 ...全文


北歐神韻 城市綠林

...  Interior Design) 設計主題 : 北歐暖色   撰文:胡海德 lawrencewu@hkej. ...全文


Why climate change is a health crisis

... now is to design a series of creative options that people around the world can use to decide how best to protect themselves and their communities. Treating the inevitable symptoms of a hotter planet a ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-02

Analysis for urban redevelopment case

...  building design guidelines, and the building boundary must be stepped back from the street while green areas should be included. Also, there must be a certain distance between the buildings. As a res ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-01

開市焦點:恒指25500爭持 聚焦季績

... 潮流限定版YIBO DESIGN。 江銅(00358):首9個月盈利按年增1.94倍。 青島啤酒(00168) ...全文


【國際早班車】亞馬遜季績遜預期 市後股價挫4%

... 潮流限定版YIBO DESIGN。■ 浙商銀行(02016)擬向全體股東配售股份,集資總額不超過180億人民幣 ...全文


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