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小米推Note 11系列三新機 1199人幣起

... 潮流限定版YIBO DESIGN。 3款新手機將於下月1日開售,全系列售價1199元人民幣起。此外,小米還推出 ...全文


The mind-blowing M+

... uron, who designed Tate Modern in London and also the Bird’s Nest Stadium in Beijing. The Swiss architects know best how to use space, a luxurious element in a small city, and incorporate perfectly th ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-27

【優質教育專刊】維多利亞教育機構 啓迪成才55載 成果斐然

... Agency by Design: Early Childhood in the Making」的「創客教育」 ...全文



... 設計辦公室KIRA DESIGN,傾力打造平台特色示範單位,綻放東方藝術氣息及現代奢華氛圍。 有關示範單位設於 ...全文


A facelift for Facebook

...  platform design: engagement tricks like infinite scroll, autoplay, pop-ups, and automated recommendations, which keep users clicking and viewing. Platforms like Facebook deploy such “behavioral nudge ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-18

Helsinki’s climate moonshot

... ed by the design firm I co-founded and a large team of consultants – were announced as joint winners. All four winning proposals adopted a patient, systemic approach, and did not promise panaceas or m ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-15

粗獷淡雅兼容 綜合美學風格

... co Farmer Design)   撰文:胡海德 [email protected]   ...全文


Upcycling cultivates waste reduction and recycling habits

... g Kong, a designer created an upcycling brand with paper boxes, transforming them into wallets and card holders, she also holds workshops to promote environmental protection and recycling. Upcycling n ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-04


... 所「設計創意中心」(Design Studio),藉以引入設計思維,為病人和前線人員解決問題。其中一個應用例子 ...全文


The promise of green hydrogen

... structure-design questions, such as whether to prioritize H2 pipelines or power lines. And the growth of this sector will have many regulatory implications. To ensure a rapid build-out of hydrogen inf ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-28

Rethink the cybersecurity framework with a 4-step approach

...  holistic design and prevention strategies, while the top-class resource can monitor the threat landscape and warn companies about the places where cybercriminals are most likely to attack next and al ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-27

The right war for the US and China

... ge policy design and implementation. After all, while climate change is clearly a global challenge, it will affect different regions differently, making one-size-fits-all solutions inadequate. China i ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-27

清雅自然 樂齡空間

... ton Leung Design Workshop) 設計主題 : 先見之明   撰文:胡海德 lawrenc ...全文



「海港城.美術館」與William Chan Design由即日起至9月26日,呈獻本地藝術家Kazy Cha ...全文


重點活化區擁完善配套 1 Ashley Road旺中帶靜遠眺濕地美景

...  Sturgeon Design打造的花園平台上,於優美翠綠環境中工作或學習。 富有建築質感的1 Ashle ...全文


How to build a walkable city

... nges when designing buildings, planning new development areas or rebuilding old areas. For the objective of mitigating global warming, reducing the heat island effect is crucial. Therefore, the author ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-24


...  Fragment Design x Air Jordan 1。本來這樣的帖子,通常只會引來無數欣羨,可是她其 ...全文


How to improve new town planning

... ter-aided design (CAD) drawings and models, 8 million documents, 1 million assets, and 50 million geographic information system (GIS) features. The inventory of assets is constantly growing with many ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-02

燕爾新婚 淡雅溫馨

...  Lee(Aims Design Limited) 設計主題 : 淡雅素白   撰文:胡海德 lawrence ...全文


America’s vital chip mission

... try, from design, fabrication, assembly, and packaging to materials and manufacturing equipment. Each of these elements of the supply chain is critical. Competitive market conditions must prevail thro ...More

EJ Insight2021-07-28

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