
共 1670 個結果
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低調暖灰 經典平實

...  Interior Design) 設計主題 : 時尚高雅   撰文 : 王嘉程 cathywang@hkej ...全文


Will the National Security Law endanger our common law system?

... invent or design or innovate something we want to be sure it won’t be stolen by a competitor. We want business regulations to be clear and fairly enforced to ensure a level playing field. Everything w ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-15

The re-invention of modern equities

... thes they design and manufacture. We live in the spaces they engineer and construct. We entrust our money to them, and our mobile devices carry the apps they build. Sometimes, their inventions can sav ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-15

Get ready for the typhoon season

... ties with design based on past historical high tide record, may also be flooded at high water levels. The affected areas cover Kam Tin, Hung Shui Kiu, Chek Lap Kok Airport, West Kowloon and Kai Tak. T ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-12

港產智能沖茶機 科技養生
搭配手機App 按體質推介飲品

... 荷蘭燕豪芬設計學院(Design Academy Eindhoven),畢業後回流發展,一方面在理大設計學院任 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年06月08日

星政府搭平台 活用設計思維築國

... 行數十年的設計思維(Design Thinking)概念。 平台管理人會把企業和政府部門所遇到的問題,先收窄成 ...全文


連貫間隔 藝術展館

... ton Leung Design Workshop) 設計主題 : 優雅和諧   撰文 : 王嘉程 cathy ...全文


2020: Digital transformation is key to business continuity

... onses and design appropriate measures to help prevent the next outbreak or other crises. Security and privacy are critical – Just as humans require a robust immune system to fight off the infectious c ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-04

What can we learn from the controversy over DSE History Exam?

... cking the design of the examination, that by asking whether the incident caused “more good than harm” , they are thereby defying the objectives of history education. Now clearly, an overwhelming major ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-02


... 美術館、21_21 DESIGN SIGHT、森美術館等藝術空間;在六十年代,卻是遍布酒吧、夜總會的煙花之地, ...全文


Will Hong Kong launch its own digital currency?

... etwork is designed to allow Inthanon and LionRock networks’ participants, mainly banks, to conduct funds transfers and foreign exchange transactions on a peer-to-peer basis. And CBDC could potentially ...More

EJ Insight2020-05-28

Nigeria’s mental health stigma and innovative solutions

...  interior design to “encourage and accelerate recovery, growth, and mental wellbeing” in trauma survivors. Of course, programs like these cost money. So, beyond changing its mental-health laws, Nigeri ...More

EJ Insight2020-05-27

【30天免費閱讀】設計思維 同理心與義工

... 意加入「設計思維」(Design Thinking) 的概念,讓參加者了解如何從體會及理解服務對象的需要入手, ...全文


Protecting women during the pandemic

... countries design economic and public health interventions, they must ensure that they are honoring this commitment. For example, leaders must ensure that essential health personnel like midwives are n ...More

EJ Insight2020-05-22


... tion)而在設計(design)。許多共和黨人對延長失業救濟補助萬分抗拒,怕整吓整吓失業者連求職都嫌麻煩,變 ...全文



... 榮及其團隊Milk Design打破一般人對品茶的刻板印象,設計出集藝術與實用功能於一身的流動茶檔,並與本地茶 ...全文



... 採納「裝配式建築」(Design for Manufacture and Assembly/DfMA),即以「 ...全文



... s與Cadence Design提供。華為選擇與歐洲廠商合作開發,並非自行設計開發,一旦美國加大出口管制,可提 ...全文


避美管制 華為傳夥意法半導體開發晶片

... s與Cadence Design提供。華為選擇與歐洲廠商合作開發,並非自行設計開發,一旦美國加大出口管制,可提 ...全文



... portation Design)領域。 惟論產業領先程度,澳洲始終不及歐洲;2007年我埋首準備畢業論文,適 ...全文


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