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... 以「為未來而設計」(Design for Future)為題,拋磚引玉,談談香港工業設計往何處去。 我們必須綜 ...全文


IT先鋒唐聆風 拒守舊迎科網變革
SAP港澳區舵手 做遍業內不同範疇

... 拜時間,至發現我哋個design(設計)係錯嘅,成班同事要重新諗過個方案,大家喺個客間公司,3日無返過屋企,瞌 ...全文


秀茂坪天主教小學 生態學習中心提升保護地球意識

... 計劃,引進設計思維(Design Thinking),學生在校園或社區進行民意調查,了解不同人士須要,設計產品 ...全文


A BRICS threat to the dollar?

... o help co-design elements of its signature Belt and Road Initiative. Realizing the BRI’s ambitious agenda of transnational infrastructure investments in cooperation with India would make a far more po ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-17

China leads world in race for 'white gold': Lithium

...  tests to design a modern and efficient processing plant, which must be built in Namibia. The ore only contained one per cent lithium, it said. Russell Fryer, executive director of Critical Metals, an ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-13

【異動股】瑞聲曾插16% 郭明錤料受iPhone新高端機設計影響

... te button design),改回原本實體按鍵設計。 他估計,由於取消固態按鍵設計,料會不利瑞聲及美國上 ...全文


「高達之父」大河原邦男 為小朋友傳遞夢想50年

... 毅成立了動畫製作公司Design Office Megaman,日後創造出不少名作,包括廣為人熟悉的《機動戰士 ...全文


The Fed’s credibility problem

... nform the design and implementation of its monetary policy. International complaints about the Fed’s failings (and their adverse global spillovers) have been cropping up everywhere. Last October, Edwa ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-06

3童3教職員亡 拜登促禁擁步槍

... Art & Design)昨天發聲明,指黑爾是去年度的畢業生,是有才華的藝術家和好學生。 納什維爾市多 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年03月29日


現今不少工作需要用到設計思維(design thinking),簡單而言就是以問題的對象為本,從而思考和制定解 ...全文


透光不透視 童趣娃娃屋

...  Interior Design Ltd.) 設計主題 : 木調簡約   撰文:黃紫慧 jackiewong@ ...全文


Reimagining development

...  top-down design to a bottom-up approach would enable small communities to empower themselves. This would ultimately strengthen developing countries’ national economies and the global economy as well. ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-22

Our city, our home and our place in the world

... curricula design that are ill-equipped for the 21st century. We must also grapple with questions looming over our legal and political systems as we emerge from the quagmire of geopolitical intrigue ov ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-20

群樹相輝映 光影最耀眼

... ton Leung Design Workshop) 設計主題 : 木調優雅   撰文:黃紫慧 jackiew ...全文


AI and the global south

... outcomes. Design flaws in the underlying algorithms and biased data sets can lead to privacy breaches and identity-based discrimination. This has already become a glaring issue in criminal justice, wh ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-09


... 維模式「設計思維」(Design Thinking),令她學會從以人為本的角度出發,思考學生最需要學到什麼。「 ...全文


建造業議會 創新科技打造零意外工作環境

... 是「建築設計安全」(Design for Safety),由最基本開始,於設計時已將風險剔除;第二是即安全人人 ...全文


【30天免費閱讀】AI橫行 創新創意是人類唯一再生術

... 是我經常在創意思維(Design Thinking)課程所提倡,要學會對人物與事情有着同理心,從而找出當事人也 ...全文


2023: Trends to watch in science, technology and sustainability

...  Circular design can be applied both to consumer goods and to industry, and it’s a huge opportunity – the circular economy could unlock up to USD4.5 trillion of additional economic output, according t ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-20

Manpower training is key to digital transformation

... nning and design, financial assessment, property valuation and acquisition, relocation and building restoration. Second, the entire authority embraces the advanced technology, without limiting applica ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-16

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