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別了工業風 回歸大自然

... 是holistic design(整體設計)。設計師要求設計兼具美學及功能性外,並能使用可持續用料,這也是屋主 ...全文



... Hong Kong Design Institute), 約二千多名學生。學院採取統一招生制度,而取錄的學生都 ...全文


Advanced technology perfects smart city design

... technical design of smart cities, in which Prof. Yeh mentioned that all designs had deviations, such as the global positioning system (GPS). The accuracy of GPS is estimated to be 5 meters. Meanwhile, ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-24

幾何滙弧線 燈影照藝廊

... ton Leung Design Workshop) 設計主題 : 古典優雅   撰文:黃紫慧 jackiew ...全文


How to finance green infrastructure

... r project design in situations characterized by significant complexity and regulatory risk, especially when risks are harder to identify and measure in advance. The costs of this process can largely b ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-19

大學研究變初創 重設光學方程式

... 學園、學習設計思維(Design Thinking)、參與光學工作坊,使用我們的顯微鏡,學習光學知識等。最後一 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2022年10月14日

保時捷產中式菜刀搶手 鋼水一流可拍蒜頭

... 計(Porsche Design)官網上架了一款連刀柄都是不銹鋼的一體式中式菜刀【圖】;名牌菜刀售價自然不平凡 ...全文


Why the metaverse is inevitable

... ses to co-design economic and financial interoperability between metaverses and the physical world. Such providers need to be fully conversant with the “picks and shovels” of the multiverse of metaver ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-23

Investing in Africa’s health

... tries can design more streamlined and cost-effective public programs. Pulling these levers requires political leadership and sustained effort. The Global Fund directly supports African communities and ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-16

GIS incorporating AI can optimise urban planning

... nning and Design. They are: • Smart Redevelopment: Suitability of Public Facilities Provision for Private Redevelopment Projects, the 1st runner up in the individual category by Chu Chit Hei, Sebastia ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-14

The endless journey to zero-trust

... egy - you design the architecture assuming traffic may be malicious, devices and infrastructure could be compromised, and critical data is always at risk. But this bottom layer is the most crucial, if ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-12

八十後香港藝術家畢奇 將負能量變成强大作品

...  of Art + Design)念畢Communication Design課程後回港發展。 當時香港多了不 ...全文


How HK sets the stage for next fintech revolution

... technical design options for issuing and distributing rCBDC. Based on research by the HKMA and the BISIH Centre in Hong Kong, the study is one of the first to unveil a groundbreaking design that strik ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-05

Balancing personal privacy with convenience

... than poor design or a lack of optimisation. Another global survey, which interviewed more than 5,000 consumers, also found that consumers generally do not mind merchants sharing their personal data, w ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-05

Sustainable development is a matter of market design

... of market design. Part of the problem is the lack of systems for matching the supply of technology, knowledge, and funding with demand. In theory, the internet “flattens” access to information, knowho ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-02

山海之間 深淺有序

... co Farmer Design) 設計主題 : 融合自然   撰文:胡海德 lawrencewu@hkej. ...全文


The new resilience paradigm

... sured and designed. It shifts the focus of policy analysis away from decisions taken individually toward their effect over time on the system as a whole. As such, it discourages excessive attention to ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-19

希慎藉童年樂趣 活化銅鑼灣天台

... 隊One Bite Design Studio合作進行gLEEful rooftop計劃,活化銅鑼灣利園區8個 ...全文



... 到專門售賣家具裝飾的Design Centre大廈逛,四處清靜得像離開了倫敦一樣。難以想像這處在1986年重新 ...全文


Advanced technologies can enhance hiking safety

... and green design that integrates with its natural surroundings. There are also some thoughtful elements, which enhance people’s experience and safety in countryside visits. For example, the recently r ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-15

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