
共 2846 個結果
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Not Destined for War

... South and East China Seas is Japan, a close ally that hosts US troops. But since the US also needs to bolster its own economic and technological advantages, it would be wise to adopt a more active Asi ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-02

Applying Chinese wisdom To resolve the Taiwan issue

... with both East and West Germany. Why is it so important for China to be united and not for other countries? The civil war was fought in the 1940’s. More than 70 years later, do the communists, the win ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-02


... ia-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor,簡稱「IMEC」),連接南亞、 ...全文


Hong Kong to re-enter world market through the Middle East

Post-Covid Hong Kong is meeting the world with a new outlook on collaboration. Historically known as a trade hub in the East, we are now looking westwards with new projects launching in the Middle Eas ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-25

媲美香港半山地段 租售價升幅跑贏

... York)、東約克(East York)、北約克(North York)、士嘉堡(Scarborough)及怡 ...全文


Whither the G20?

... sia’s Far East last year. And it has abstained from the UN General Assembly resolutions condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, perhaps owing to its past commitment to Soviet-style socialism and its ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-21


聯邦制藥(03933)公布,控股股東Heren Far East Limited配售持有的最多6400萬股股份 ...全文


【異動股】聯邦制藥曾插一成 控股股東減持

... Heren Far East Limited配售持有的最多6400萬股股份,配售價為每股7.33元,套現約4. ...全文



聯邦制藥(03933)公布,控股股東Heren Far East Limited配售持有的最多6400萬股股份 ...全文


聯邦製藥股東擬配股 套現最多4.8億

據外電看到的銷售文件顯示,聯邦製藥(03933)股東Heren Far East以每股配售價7.33元至7.4 ...全文


What is there to love about Hong Kong

...  ‘bridge’ East and West - it epitomises the higher ideal, the higher proposition, that everyone stands to gain from great powers and civilisations working together, as opposed to against one another. ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-18


... 亞高地(South East Asian Massif)上,星羅棋布着大大小小的詐騙園區,當中尤以緬北在中國大 ...全文



德國科隆市的東亞藝術博物館(Museum of East Asian Art),被盜去9件中國明清時代瓷器,價 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年09月15日


... ia-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor, IMEC)。根據協議,這條走 ...全文


美股短期太樂觀 慎防回調

... ia-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor,簡稱IMEC),欲與中國「一帶 ...全文


PICO FAR EAST(00752) 月報表

PICO FAR EAST(00752) 截至2023年8月31日止月份之月報表(132KB, pdf) ...全文


Preventing a US-China War

... ys be at least some tensions when a rising power challenges the prevailing global power. But China is facing off against the US at a moment when America’s relative power may be weakening, and when it ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-29

厄爾尼諾加劇 印尼兩冰川恐消失

... id)和東北壁冰川(East Northwall Firn),過去幾年明顯在收縮,從2010年的32米降至20 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年08月26日

引入中東美食 分享異地風情

... he Middle East)的初心,努力確保口味不會為適應本地市場而過度調整。 連續幾年新冠疫情,全城一片「 ...全文


The end of zero interest rates

... since at least 1992. Moreover, comprehensive analyses spanning seven centuries of data on long-term real interest rates have identified a gradual but persistent decline since the Renaissance, at about ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-16

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