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工業元素+鷺鳥標記= 街頭紅牌Heron Preston

... 甚為重視。位於銅鑼灣Fashion Walk的專門店牆身設計用上工業吊掛式概念,融入品牌標誌性的橙黃色,格調鮮 ...全文


HK turmoil opens new business opportunities for Western media

...  high-end fashion magazine targeting male readers, particularly top business executives. An editor of the new WSJ monthly explained that according to their market surveys, many high-income mainland ma ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-18

Residents express anger at New Town Plaza over Sunday clashes

... n orderly fashion”. It also noted that there are a number of public passageways at New Town Plaza linked to various entrances, which, under the terms of the government lease, must be kept open to the ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-17

Trump’s trade war could create more sustainable supply chains

... ities. In fashion, for instance, Turkey has become the preferred manufacturing location because fashion seasons and lead times are short and manufacturing close to consumer markets enables companies t ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-11

Sistine Chapel Choir director resigns after fraud allegations

... y Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination”. Its 2018 summer tour of the United States was canceled without explanation and the recording of a new CD was also stopped. When the investigation began ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-11


... 一起參加,「我們辦了Fashion Show,家長和孩子一起上台,穿着該國家的民族服裝,大家都玩得很開心。」 ...全文


Jony Ive's departure signals shift in Apple direction

... duct as a fashion item, while others saw it as an iPhone accessory. This conflict of vision could have contributed to the product's disappointing first-year sales. It could also have been a factor in ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-02

Redress: An NGO with a mission to make fashion sustainable

If you were to meet Christina Dean, you would know instantly she is a woman on a mission. It took just one cycling trip from Hong Kong to China to convince her that she needed to address the fashion i ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-27

Meet the mom who started an e-commerce platform for kids clothes

Having worked in luxury fashion for over ten years, Sarah Garner knows first-hand how many high-quality items often sit in closets with their tags still on or barely worn. As a mom of two, she started ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-11

最Bad Taste的八十年代

... ggings 另一名Fashion Icon是戴安娜王妃,尤其她的那件臃腫又喱士又荷花葉的巨型婚紗,的確成為不 ...全文


Fashion retailers suffer most in US amid the China trade war

Fashion retailers have been the worst performers in the US equity market since the US-China trade war escalated. A number of mid-range brands like GAP, Abercrombie & Fitch (A&F), J. Jill, and ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-10

US-China tariffs to slash global growth in 2020: IMF

... ordinated fashion including “decisive” actions to ease monetary policy and fiscal stimulus in countries that have available resources. These would be more effective if the policy response was “synchr ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-06


... 基本上已跟Fast Fashion無異,該集團今年營業額和同店銷售額分別增長12%和3%,最近12個月股價逆勢 ...全文


Paul Chan: Volatile markets pose risks to HK financial security

... a dynamic fashion based on any turn of events and preparing to increase public expenditure when needed, Chan said, adding that there will be no reduction in government spending because of a weakening ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-04


... stainable Fashion)的時候,對方完全沒有相關概念,但時至今日可持續發展已是人盡皆知。 即食時尚 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 信訪報郭耀斌2019年06月01日


... 幄紅錦。Crazy Fashion,是玫瑰紫泛瑪瑙斑紋。「瓊妃若會寬裁剪,堪作蟾宮夜舞裙。」Blue Girl ...全文


MacKenzie Bezos pledges half her Amazon fortune to charity

...  European fashion retail mogul Amancio Ortega and Google co-founder and Alphabet CEO Larry Page. The pledge that signatories make is “a moral commitment to give, not a legal contract”, the campaign sa ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-29

That Oscars red carpet moment at Sanlitun

These days, the pretty ladies who shop or work at Taikoo Li Sanlitun – Swire Properties' fashionable shopping complex in the heart of Beijing's Chaoyang District – must be vicariously feeling like Hol ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-28


... 素淨,很有slow fashion的味道,以現潮流,沒有比慢裝更時尚。 看準加拿大記者自動與獵物保持距離的作風 ...全文


Casey Casey 貼近生活 追求永恒

... 是慢時尚(slow fashion)代表,它低調獨立,以舒適品質聞名,並以舊衣之美為創作靈感,將高級物料、工匠 ...全文


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