
共 840 個結果
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British network Three joins 5G mobile club

... ng London fashion design college Central Saint Martins to create what it said would be a fully immersive 5G catwalk experience later on Friday as part of London Fashion Week. – Contact us at english@h ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-14

HK property developers cut retail rents amid virus outbreak

... rnational fashion brands ranging from Coach to Zara, said on Wednesday it would reduce February rent by 30 to 50 percent for most of its tenants. New World Development (00017.HK), whose tenants includ ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-13


... 簽署了《時尚公約》(Fashion Pact);承諾為減少排碳,承擔更多環保責任。 其中包括印刷牆紙牆飾,盡量 ...全文


環保Fashion Show

2018年,課程主任黃偉儀構思跨學科Fashion Show,讓同學將不同範疇的知識整合,運用想像設計出一件件 ...全文


Billionaire Lawrence Stroll takes stake in Aston Martin

... esting in fashion brands such as Tommy Hilfiger and Michael Kors, has been involved in Formula One and motor racing for years and also owns Canada’s Mont Tremblant circuit in Quebec. Under Friday’s ag ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-31


... ack is in fashion 當然,脫下口罩的米高積遜,其實早已把一生埋在一個蒼白的Mask(面具的英文 ...全文


Why flipping of sneakers is good for the brands

... ur in the fashion business. This article appeared in the Hong Kong Economic Journal on Jan 23 Translation by Julie Zhu [Chinese version 中文版] – Contact us at [email protected] RT/CG ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-24


... back、UEFA和Fashion For Good等合作。 Mayer則於2006年在Esprit以培訓生開 ...全文


Lesson from the crash of two unicorns

... s such as fashion design and sewing to work together on specific floors, and for people from other industries, such as musicians to produce music on other floors. It was also a place for members to ba ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-13

阿姆斯特丹的Low Food革命(上)

... 餐桌,平時大概只有拍fashion spread為了視覺效果才會出現的畫面吧! 精神分裂 用餐過程確實有一點挑 ...全文


Govt needs self-evaluation to improve itself

... easonable fashion when the “cabinet” is still intact despite the ongoing severe political crisis? Given the situation, if the government really wants to seek a breakthrough to the current deadlock as ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-31

前Freeze成員陳樂榣 將榮光回歸港女

... 婚後,成立「Wow Fashion Jewellery」,生意愈做愈大,不但與南韓著名設計師合作,還有自家的品 ...全文


Most Catholic churches tweak Christmas Eve Mass schedules

... anitarian fashion as Christmas is coming, so as to rebuild social harmony and heal those who have been hurt both physically and mentally during the social movement. In his Christmas message delivered ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-23

每月50萬 重返10年前水平

... 快速時裝(Fast Fashion)品牌SPAO,原分別於荃灣及鑽石山的大型商場設有分店,惟因生意一直虧損,遂 ...全文


IPCC expert panel might be gone, but its advice still holds true

...  a timely fashion; and to significantly improve its capability to identify and secure evidence from key witnesses outside policing,” the panel had said. IPCC chairman Anthony Neoh on Wednesday dismiss ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-13


... 快速時裝(Fast Fashion)造成的衣物浪費,借助人功智能(AI)配對個人喜好後,用戶可在平台租用衣飾, ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年12月10日


... n Digital Fashion Creation),並接受政府資助。數碼時裝設計就是應用教育的一部分,並能 ...全文


It's police brutality, not protesters, that's fueling unrest

... ansparent fashion so as to allay social concerns. Yet I just couldn’t understand why our law enforcement decided not to do so. I project that in the coming days, the citizens of Hong Kong will perseve ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-05

Some e-commerce website tips for the holiday season

Hong Kong has seen one of Japan’s biggest fast-fashion brands open an online store, even though it has an extensive traditional retail network across high-traffic areas in the city. This reflects the ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-29

兌現承諾「回家」 添加新經濟色彩

... 在農村,也可看到紐約fashion show。」 中美關係不明朗,美國卻是另一個令人垂涎的巨大市場。問到集團對 ...全文


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