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Garden of the Artisans 藝術節2019

青年廣場「Garden of the Artisans藝術節2019」(「GOA藝術節」)已於上月圓滿閉幕,共 ...全文



在倫敦繁華熱鬧的Covent Garden附近,有一座白色大理石古典建築,門口立着兩根巨大的愛奧尼式立柱;這就 ...全文


Thousands join rally in support of curbs-hit protester aid group

... loucester Garden outside the tower, before entering the building to stage a protest half an hour later. They left at around 2 pm after making their way to each floor of the building for the protest. – ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-24

Japan and its Kanji of the Year

...  National Garden in Tokyo every April using taxpayers’ money. Worse still, according to the accusations made by the opposition, quite a number of the guests who routinely attend the annual cherry blos ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-19


... 芬園(Covent Garden)地標商業項目Orion House,屬於柯芬園以至蘇豪(SOHO)及菲茨羅維 ...全文



建灝地產宣布,集團日前成功斥1.3億英鎊(約13.5億港元)收購位於倫敦柯芬園(Covent Garden)的 ...全文


Police fire tear gas to disperse protesters in TST, Whampoa

... Salisbury Garden, using pepper spray and tear gas against protesters gathering in the area. In a statement issued by the government on Sunday evening, the police said “at around 5 p.m., hundreds of ri ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-02

旅舍藝術節 籲珍愛地球

酒店舉辦藝術展就聽得多,旅舍也湊上熱鬧你又去過未?由柴灣青年廣場舉辦的「Garden of the Artis ...全文


Silver Lake斥39億 購逾1成英超曼城股權

... on Square Garden)公司股份。 ...全文


Police assure medical care for PolyU holdouts before any arrests

... Centenary Garden near the PolyU on Monday afternoon to show support to those still remaining in the university campus. Shouting slogans, they vowed to take the holdout "comrades" out of the campus, an ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-26

繁華都市的世外桃源 盡享悠閒靜謐英倫生活

... 從附近的Water Garden (水景花園)或Nature Trail (自然步行徑) 可輕鬆地漫步到Duk ...全文


耗資150億英鎊打造全新九榆樹 經濟增長預達79億英鎊

... Lexington Gardens由英國發展商 Bellway精心打造,樓高12層,提供262個單位,包括一房 ...全文


紙若絲綢 連接自然

... Silk Road Garden以栩栩如生的叢林風光作為背景。金色天空泛着微紅,似朝霞亦似餘暉,燕雀自由翱翔於 ...全文



... 軟件開發商Wave Garden等,並計劃裁減部分員工,日後專注核心的共享辦公室業務。上周三曾有外電報道,We ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年11月11日


... 軟件開發商Wave Garden等。同時,集團計劃裁減部分合營項目僱員人數。 WeWork指出,將專注核心的共 ...全文


Junius Ho cries 'suppression' after UK honorary degree revoked

... at Melody Garden in Tuen Mun on Tuesday morning. Police have listed the case as arson. No arrests have been made so far. – Contact us at [email protected] TL/JC/CG ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-30

Police fire tear gas in Tuen Mun after protests turn violent

... e Blossom Garden residential building nearby.  Online footage also showed a canister of tear gas was fired to the corridor on seventh floor of Yat Sang House at the Siu Hin Court estate. A person livi ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-29


國際知名的垂直花園(vertical garden)設計師勃朗(Patrick Blanc)去年訪港時表示,香 ...全文


Hong Kong people must persevere in their fight

... at Chater Garden in Central on Monday night calling for the passage of the proposed act by the US Congress, a spokesman for the Hong Kong government “expressed regret” over the demand, reiterating tha ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-17

Dutch police find family of six locked in room for years

...  secluded garden on the property, local TV RTV Drenthe reported. “I understand there are a lot of questions,” De Groot said. “We have many too. The police are investigating all possible scenarios.” – ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-16

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