
共 580 個結果
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Global property markets: The 2020 market vision

... onomic challenges are altering the market dynamics in Australia. The record low interest rate environment and weak Australian doller are driving both domestic and foreign demand in a market where popu ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-13


...  try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the ...全文


美猶太教徒浴血 37歲疑兇不認罪
被控5項企圖謀殺 列為本土恐襲

... 紐約市長白思豪(Bill de Blasio)等地方領導人開記者會時,表示目前沒有任何跡象顯示其他人參與,但仍 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年12月31日


... ople You' ll Ever Meet);其三,彰顯女性力量,她們把這次波瀾壯闊的社會運動形容為「女性主 ...全文



... 年代當別人在你的call台留言,客服還會把內容轉化為文字,但錄音短訊只相當於一部舊式電話機,而且,若你身處嘈雜 ...全文


How Bakkt aims to build digital asset ecosystem and consumer app

... into US dollars for use at Starbucks' coffee outlets, a use case that the market is excited about. One of the most well-funded crypto startups, Bakkt raised US$182.5 million since its founding in 2018 ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-26


... 生標準?所幸:We'll Never Walk Alone! 撰文 : 球千仞 ...全文


Why the plastic crisis matters

... etables will lead to a food-spoilage disaster. No one doubts that waste management in much of the developing world – and even in many richer countries – needs to be improved. Governments urgently need ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-07


... einrich Böll)。 同年9月3日,他在荷蘭寫信回家,稱:半個馬克就能在鹿特丹買到半磅咖啡,遠較德國便 ...全文


Rioters or freedom fighters?

Whether David really defeated Goliath with a single sto ...全文

今日信報時事評論STRAIGHT-SHOOTING褚簡寧 Michael Chugani2019年11月07日

Why we'll see more wedding lunches than dinners

... shes. Still, the atmosphere was a little different compared to what one would have normally witnessed at such celebratory occasions in the past.  It was apparent that a lot of things were weighing on ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-29

中環LL TOWER全層叫價9100萬

美聯商業表示,中環LL TOWER 16至17樓全層,每層面積約2327方呎,單層意向售價約9100萬元,呎價 ...全文


上樑正下樑直 高普改變紅軍

... 熱刺更有門神洛里斯(Lloris)因傷缺陣,要全身而退實在不易。 紅軍食硬熱刺 兩軍交戰往績上,同樣打進攻足球 ...全文



... 茨的推薦("You'll have a hard time putting it down."),更有奧巴馬的 ...全文



... ,然後就如歌詞「I'll be watching you」一樣,看着台下的每一位觀眾,而我們也看到他們各人的每 ...全文



... 利(Machiavelli)的《君主論》(Il Principe),在當中提出「當遵守信義對自己不利,一位英明 ...全文


A business that thrives even in these dark days

The start of the National Day "Golden Week", normally a time when mainland tourists pour into Hong Kong's shopping districts in full force, saw 30 shopping malls and 47 MTR stations shuttered on Tuesd ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-02

I'll talk about anything, other than your demands

Carrie Lam, the Chief Executive in Name Only (CENO), has declared that Hong Kong is in the middle of a 'raging storm' and, in keeping with her determination to disappoint at all times, has decided tha ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-20

Can triple camera system boost iPhone sales?

Apple has unveiled its latest iPhones, which will be available from Friday. But many smartphone users are likely to adopt a wait-and-see attitude as they want to see first the Android smartphones that ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-18

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