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... 容量達3.2萬兆瓦(MW)。 另外,主要在華南地區經營醫藥分銷的創美藥業,已遞交上市申請,保薦人為國泰君安。截 ...全文


Duke Energy息高穩健致勝

... 825及220兆瓦(MW),這些項目的投資回報雖然較高,但是新能源受着法規和氣候的轉變而利潤穩定性較弱,幸而公 ...全文


電力市場 穩中求進

... 量為12645兆瓦(Mw),最高需求量為9100兆瓦(Mw);在如斯狹窄的市場,怎能引入有效的競爭? 政府近日 ...全文



... 增核准2037.5 MW項目,76%分布在非降價地區,為公司未來發展做好項目儲備。去年底,公司在建風電項目總量 ...全文


中國再減息 H股可趁調整吸納

... 增裝機容量逾2.3萬MW(百萬瓦),是佔全球比例最多的地區。目前,風電是唯一有在香港上市而沒有在內地上市的板塊 ...全文


憧憬中國再減息 H股折讓宜吸納

... 增裝機容量逾2.3萬MW(百萬瓦),是佔全球比例最大的地區。 目前,風電是唯一有在香港上市而沒有在內地上市的板 ...全文


Shunfeng Int'l may launch geothermal power business in 2015

...  that 450 MW new capacity will be put into use in this year. Meanwhile, in its domestic solar plants, the company plans to add 1.5 gigawatts (GW) on-grid designed capacity as part of the efforts to ac ...More

EJ Insight2015-04-01

Top Philippine mall goes solar

... tes a 1.1 MW of electricity from 3,740 rooftop panels. – Contact us at [email protected] FL/RA ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-01

Yingli eyes charging stations in bid to return to profitability

... leted 128 MW in 2013. It expects gross margin in the first quarter to be about three times that of a year earlier, the report said. Meanwhile, the company expects the global solar market to continue t ...More

EJ Insight2014-04-23

Benchmark pricing eyed for offshore wind power, paper says

... egawatts (MW) of offshore wind power installed capacity in 2013, down 69 percent year on year. Total installed capacity was 428.6 MW, Chinese Wind Energy Association data shows. A government benchmark ...More

EJ Insight2014-04-02

JinkoSolar to spin off power station assets, paper says

... o 300-400 MW this year, Chen said. Backed by government support, China's solar power industry started to recover in the second half of last year, with JinkoSolar racking up US$26.7 million in the thir ...More

EJ Insight2014-03-11

Goldpoly getting ready for its place in the Sun

... egawatts (MW). Last month, the company boosted its portfolio with a 500 MW deal, under which it will join hands with an investment arm of China National Petroleum Corp. to buy solar power projects in ...More

EJ Insight2013-12-05

Huaneng International slow to power up clean energy unit

... egawatts (MW) of the company's newly commissioned capacity. Wind power and hydropower both made up less than 100 MW. Clean energy constitutes a tiny portion of Huaneng’s 66,341-megawatt power portfoli ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-19

Hanergy Solar building 19 MW solar plant in US, filing says

Hanergy Solar Group Ltd. (00566.HK) expects its acquisition of United States-based Columbia Solar Energy LLC (CSE) to be completed before Nov. 25, it said in a filing to the stock exchange Wednesday. ...More

EJ Insight2013-10-30

GCL-Poly says not interested in bidding for Suntech

...  sold 349 MW (megawatts) power station projects in US and has reserves ground and roof power station projects of more than 1GW. The company has built a 20 MW PV power station in Xuzhou, and completed ...More

EJ Insight2013-10-24

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