
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150

CE election exposes our broken political process

... o said on my TV show that the coming five years will be ...全文

今日信報時事評論STRAIGHT-SHOOTING褚簡寧 Michael Chugani2017年03月16日


... gree with my boss,司長尚且如此,下屬豈敢不從? 最近政府宣稱成控辦已經為工程項目節省160億 ...全文


Meet the smart spin doctor of John Tsang

... tally was my junior at Queen's College and again in the Journalism and Media Studies Centre although we never studied or worked together. Someone should perhaps tell Lam now that the difference betwee ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-15

Why pan-democrats still support Tsang instead of Woo

... rengthens my conviction that Woo is the real deal for the top job. I can think of only one possible reason why pan-democrats are suddenly doing an about-face on Woo and mounting a ferocious mudslingin ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-15

Former TVB chief wins seven-year court battle

...  TVB’s Be My Guest Show which aired a 2009 New Year countdown special from Olympian City mall. Both Chan and Tseng were accused of accepting bribes in exchange for production contracts. They were arre ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-15

John Tsang gets a booster from Chow Yun-fat and Johnny To

... day" and "My doctor recently advised me not to take so many eggs." There are indeed many reasons why Tsang is seen as a good candidate for Hong Kong's top post, though ultimately he is unlikely to be ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-14


... on和百老滙的音樂劇My Fair Lady改編版本,搬到1936年香港。女主角賣花女,是滿口台山鄉音的街頭小 ...全文



... , I'd say my vision of happiness is a mother holding he ...全文


留醫近兩月 劉德華:我回家了

... 。 雖然戴上口罩和「My World」鴨舌帽,遮了半張臉,但從眼神還是看見精神不錯,在車廂內展示致謝手勢,向各 ...全文


The Temple Street of my youth

My generation is probably the last to have seen the prime of dai daat dei or poor man's nightclub. The 1950s could be considered the golden age of the night market, where stalls sold all sorts of merc ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-10


九十年代紅極一時的美國偶像歌手湯美.佩治(Tommy Page)於本月3日突傳噩耗,被發現自殺身亡,終年46歲 ...全文



... ou Out Of My Head、多諾文的Especially for you及Sealed With A ...全文


Why Woo Kwok-hing is the real deal in the CE election

... ly proves my point. Woo might not be able to seal his victory in the first round of voting on March 26, but I am pretty sure he is likely to win at the second round, as long as he doesn't make any sil ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-08

老麥變陣 侍應送餐俘擄食客

... 港部分分店將限定發售My Signature Collection自選漢堡系列【圖】,平均單價約45元。 對於 ...全文



... 寫《珍芳達回憶錄》(My Life So Far)之時,需要搜集相關資料,那才弄清楚母親自殺的原因,因而大受打 ...全文


Anna Wu: The absurdities of HK politics and how to fix them

... e the “enemy of the people” when she agreed, at Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying’s invitation, to head a government review committee for the highly contentious national education curriculum when Hong K ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-06

Rethinking productivity growth

... tymied in my own attempts to measure the sheer scale of economic growth in the North Atlantic over the past 200 years, but I am confident that output has increased 30-fold or more. How much more growt ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-06


... ,我總死撐回敬道:「My body could not just be measured in one siz ...全文


Don’t underestimate emotional hiccups

... improved. My other patient had a serious case of eczema, but the various interventions by numerous dermatologists failed to bring relief. One day he went to a psychiatrist simply to give vent to his g ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-03

Developing and applying empathy

As an educator advocating moral education, my top priority is to assist children in developing empathy -- the ability to imagine and share another person’s feelings and experiences as if they were the ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-03

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