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Chinese walk from Ecuador to the United States

... . But stormy seas overturned their boat. Eight naked women, their clothes removed by the waves, were found on a beach; the other, a man, survived by floating on his suitcase. The local newspapers did ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-30


... eaving on my own terms and time.」觀眾熱烈鼓掌,敬佩她不戀棧權力,對政壇頭也不 ...全文


The price of motherhood

... ty” – "In my country, Belgium, women are three times more likely to be at risk of poverty, a risk that is exacerbated by motherhood." The International Labour Organization, a United Nations agency, es ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-29

My Brief Remarks – at the HKS China Conference

... n person, my teaching schedule (during termtime) rendered it impossible for me to fly to Cambridge, Massachusetts – though I did manage to deliver my remarks virtually (at a quarter past midnight Hong ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-24

The perils of self-censorship

... (of which my friend had aplenty – as someone who opposes the ongoing war in Gaza) with groundless stereotyping of Jewish individuals. There was no sense of fear on their part – after all, a vast major ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-24


... Bad About My Neck,說面部皺紋可以注射肉毒素或透明質酸來改善、遮蓋眼袋可用化妝品、白髮可以染髮 ...全文


摩通CEO晤世銀 談推動新興市場策略

... 法國發展機構主管Rémy Rioux接受外電訪問時表示,戴蒙與包括世銀旗下國際金融公司主管Scott Nath ...全文


What can be done to tackle climate crisis

... ular economy of water that is much needed globally. The climate crisis decreases agricultural output. But in Israel we produce more with less water and less land. The application of drip irrigation, d ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-22


...  and that my lot when I die will be timeless oblivion, ...全文



... GPT-4叫「Be My Eyes」,除了文本,還具備圖文辨識能力;與專門替視障人士打造的應用程式結合,幫助他 ...全文


Are we raising a generation of leaders, or of followers?

... lamities? My worry is that we are not raising a generation of leaders, but a generation of followers. Students are told that there are clear recipes and pathways towards success, and that all they hav ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-12

VACHERON CONSTANTIN Art of Watchmaking 技藝之巔

... 院(Saint-Rémy)後創作的一幅著名油畫。他在普羅旺斯鄉間架起畫架,以畫布捕捉住金色麥田上高聳的柏樹、隨風搖曳的橄欖樹、阿爾皮萊山脈和天空中的浮雲。他認為這是他所創作的「最佳」夏季風景之一,在一次夏季繪畫及之後在工作室中,他再以此構圖製作了兩幅畫作。 《戴安娜女神》奧古斯都.聖高登斯(Augustus Saint-Gaudens),1893-94年聖高登斯(美國人,1848-1907)的鍍 ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-12


越南歷來最大宗金融詐騙案的主犯、越南女首富張美蘭(Truong My Lan)涉嫌在11年間詐騙銀行超過125 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2024年04月12日

李明逵籲讀近代史 護國安有責見疑即報

... k this is my destiny.(我認為這是我的命運。)」 鄧又提到,當局下一項重要工作是為關鍵基礎 ...全文


MY SCI B2703-R(84504) 債券及結構性產品 - [發行通函或定價補充文件 - 債務證券]

MY SCI B2703-R(84504) 發行人剛在本網站英文版面發布一項公告,相應中文版本或會/或不會在本 ...全文


MY SCI B2703-R(84504) 債券及結構性產品 - [上市通告 - 債務證券]

MY SCI B2703-R(84504) 發行人剛在本網站英文版面發布一項公告,相應中文版本或會/或不會在本 ...全文


Some reflections on teaching

I am still in my early days of my academic career. I’d like to think there is much I have yet to learn. In some ways, the best way to learn is to teach. This is not only because teaching is vital in c ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-23


... 術家Barthélémy Togo創作陶瓷,他早已在亞洲展出過作品,在中國頗具名氣;我們還會帶來黑白攝影師Seydou Keïta的作品。年輕一點的有Tesfaye Urgessa,他創作立體主義作品,曾在澳洲及德國居住,風格深受德國影響。」Touria說,這些藝術家風格各異,相信香港藝術愛好者會感到有興趣。 佳士得香港「1-54 Presents: Coalescent Lights」展覽地址: ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-22


... 出現這個meme:「My right brain has nothing left, and my left ...全文


華盛頓州列農曆新年為法定假日 全美第3州

... 頓州眾議員、越南裔的My-Linh Thai年初提出此議案,旨在促進對亞裔美國人的包容。華州眾議院和參議院先後 ...全文


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