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Why is US inflation falling?

... ed at 9%, my rough estimate was that the underlying inflation rate was around 4-4.5%, which is to say that absent any weakening in labor markets, the inflation rate could have been expected to decline ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-18


... 鄰避(Not In My Back Yard,NIMBY)監管規條及有利當權者的競爭壁壘。 此外,目前教育、醫 ...全文

今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2023年08月18日

No light in Hong Kong’s night economy

...  the economy by bringing back the nightlife in the "Pearl of the Orient" with city-wide night bazaars. However, that is exactly the worry of local residents and the business sector as they believe the ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-16

憶錢學森 反思當代華裔人的抉擇

... s to kill my countrymen. It's that simple.")氣急敗壞的美國體制,反 ...全文


The youth are not monolith

In conversations with friends and colleagues I often hear the question, “What do the youth make of this?”, or “What, really, do the youth want?” As I have argued elsewhere in my assessment of events r ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-11


... 份證「個人編號卡」(My Number Card)頻頻出問題,截至周二在連結健保卡的程序中出錯多達1069宗, ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年08月11日

Where are the affordable dinners?

I wrapped up my happy three-week trip in Toronto with a fond memory of delicious Asian meals, long overdue gatherings and autumn-like nice weather – and returned to Hong Kong. Still jetlagged, I was a ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-09

The politics and philosophy of ‘Barbie’

I had the pleasure of watching ‘Barbie’ - by myself - earlier this week. Truth be told, I went in with relatively low expectations. I have a general aversion to movie hypes and hyped-up movies, and ha ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-09

Europe must lead Ukraine’s reconstruction

Who should pay for Ukraine’s postwar reconstruction? Shortly after Russia’s invasion, my co-authors and I estimated that it would cost roughly €200-500 billion ($220-550 billion) to rebuild the countr ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-08

The whale

...  torment. My fear is that there would be no Heracles to bail us out of the crisis we have collectively engendered ourselves, and that would send us down a path of no return. First, it’s the whale, the ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-08

大自然系列之 答案就在眼前(一)

... 有在心中大叫「Oh My God」! 在這個活人身上,右腿被以百計的蛆蟲覆蓋着,這些蛆蟲非常活躍,肥胖的身軀在 ...全文



... lling you my real experience.(我在告訴你我的真實經驗。)」辯方其後繼續問及此議題 ...全文


Slow burn Minsky moments and what to do about them

... is beyond my ken. However, those who choose to ignore their existence are playing the same game as Chuck Prince, the ill-fated CEO of Citigroup, who, back in 2007 opined, “When the music stops…things ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-04

Israel’s slippery slope

My current visit to Israel has coincided with a period of unprecedented political turmoil. A radical right-wing government’s package of legislation to disempower the judiciary has started to be adopte ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-02

SVB UK續錄收入 成集團新動力

... 售銀行業務與潛在買家My Money Group定下新條款,目標明年1月完成交易,將令集團風險加權資產(RWA ...全文


The T-shaped model of learning

... cracies - my generalist knowledge, of sociology, geopolitics, literature and beyond, equips me with the context to understand how societies broadly function in non-democratic states, whilst my philoso ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-28

India’s road to urbanisation

... oods economy." As I pointed out in my earlier article "The rise of Indian-origin CEOs", the country focuses on STEM education, so it should not be underestimated in the digital wave transformation. In ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-25

Tony Bennett逝世 享年96歲

主唱名曲「I Left My Heart in San Francisco」的美國殿堂級男歌手Tony Ben ...全文


Kundera on Kitsch, Kitsch on 2023

... friend-enemy distinction by appealing to moralising fictions; he embraced the fact that, as Kundera puts it bluntly, we were all “shit” anyway, and thus should recognise the nature of the political as ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-21

港鐵.飛機.老歌 72歲李龍基細說與嫩妻純愛故事

... Paul Anka的My home town。五六十年代的英文歌,真好聽!」 當年1毫子能吃一碗雲吞麵,他吃少 ...全文


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