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蘋果據報洽購媒體內容 用於發展生成式AI

... 括《Vogue》及《New Yorker》出版機構Condé Nast、NBC News,以及擁有《Peopl ...全文


Compelling opportunities all around Asia ex-Japan

... , seeking new markets, vying for market share, or increasing share buybacks, for example. China: cheap valuations and more The first key area of investment opportunity we see in China are the pockets ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-22


... 團加速研發進度落後的New Glenn火箭,New Glenn將配置BE-4引擎。林普亦強調,必須整合藍色起源 ...全文



... 「When the New York Times lost its way」的「萬言書」裏,Bennet力數了 ...全文


How Hong Kong can boost startups and AI applications

...  and made news headlines because of the incident. The number of startups in Hong Kong reached a record high in the last few years, with 3,985 startups and 14,932 employees, an increase of 52% and 56% ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-21

Five terms you should know to understand China’s young guns

... ing seven news writing assignments from each of the 76 students I have since September. Luckily, I shall have a two-month winter break to rest after an intense period to relearn journalism that I star ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-20

Developing countries’ never-ending debt crisis

... et in the new year.” Coincidentally, 2024 marks the centennial of the Dawes Plan, under which Germany’s debts to its World War I adversaries were restructured. And therein lies a tale. The war left a ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-20

How small businesses can thrive with the rise of Web3 technology

We are at a pivotal moment of technological change. The internet has come a long way since its inception, with new technologies and trends constantly emerging. Throughout human history, technological ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-20

豪飲易患肝疾病 酗酒風險高兩倍

不少人愛杯中物,豪飲卻換來傷身。科技媒體New Atlas提到,英國倫敦大學學院(UCL)、皇家自由醫院、牛津 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞EJ Tech 創科鬥室2023年12月20日

The growing risk of global disorder

... cy. But a new international order is unlikely to emerge anytime soon. Instead, as more and more countries decide to self-insure by building alternatives to the Western-led order, the global economy ri ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-19

區內新貴Sterling Place 環保節能屋苑

倫敦New Malden區內的前鈔票印製廠房,現變身為新式多層住宅,命名Sterling Place以留下印記 ...全文



... 塞西北部的紐約大道(New York Avenue)行車天橋和北首都大街,警方呼籲司機改用其他道路。而在費城, ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年12月16日


...  anything new,要時刻保持向前的動力。另一嘉賓導師Dr. Chen Fong(方之晨)是卡爾加里大 ...全文


倫敦「韓國城」New Malden樓價親民
西南部新興社區 綠意盎然校網優質

... 、有「韓國城」之稱的New Malden區,是首都西南部近年新興的社區之一,樓價相對「親民」,一手住宅約377 ...全文


TEAMWAY INT-NEW(01239) 更換核數師

TEAMWAY INT-NEW(01239) 更換核數師(489KB, pdf) ...全文


Beyond borders: Exploring 2024 Asia Pacific payment trends

... showcased new biometric payment technology which is in the early stages of rollout, demonstrating how a simple face scan can be used as payment for coffee. In China, biometric payments have been showc ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-15

紐西蘭第三季經濟意外萎縮 加息預期降溫

... 。 Westpac New Zealand高級經濟學家Darren Gibbs表示,考慮到對前幾個季度的修正以 ...全文


China-EU summit ends with no agreement on trade, Ukraine

... el told a news conference after the meetings. Von der Leyen said the sides discussed root causes of their trade imbalance, from a lack of access to the Chinese market and preferential treatment to Chi ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-14

Nothing changes

... war that knew no boundaries and witnessed horrific violence visited on the populations of countries across all the continents. Over the 78 years of its existence, the major conflicts such as the Korea ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-14

China-EU summit ends with no agreement on trade, Ukraine

... el told a news conference after the meetings. Von der L ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年12月14日

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