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《紐約時報》(New York Times)公布,截至9月底止第三季,每股經調整盈利報0.37元(美元‧下同) ...全文


New frontiers in low-cost clean tech

The leaders’ declaration that emerged from the recent G20 summit in New Delhi highlighted the urgent need for collective action on climate change and sustainable finance. Central to the group’s Green ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-08


經營UNIQLO的迅銷集團(06288)今日在日本東京舉辦了「LifeWear=A New Industry( ...全文


Hong Kong Ballet Gala & Great Gatsby

... ht of its new season. Her dancing was delicious and musical; and her virtuosity was sparkling, especially in her series of fouettes at the end. Her partner was company soloist Alexander Yap whose mult ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-07

Will greenwashing prevent HK from becoming the next green hub?

...  of these new rules requires companies to take immediate action to understand the gaps in their environmental, social and governance (ESG) activities and documentation along with implementing appropri ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-06


... Careers:A New Model for Work/ Life Success提到,愈來愈多青年有多份職 ...全文



... 《紐約客》(The New Yorker)的特約撰稿人。 何謂評論? Emre提供了四個歷史概念以分析評論,分 ...全文


編書犯禁被扣半月 澳記者獲大馬釋放

... d Hope in New Malaysia)被捕受查,此書被認為涉嫌煽動叛亂。 封面涉辱國徽 控煽動叛亂 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年11月04日

With Russia, China is Big Brother

... urope nor new railways from Siberia to China. Evidently ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年11月04日

紐候任總理未夠議席 須拉兩黨組閣

... T)及紐西蘭第一黨(New Zealand First),以組成聯合政府。 得票約38% 國家黨重返執政 是 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年11月04日

The roots of the global water crisis

...  place in New York in March, was markedly different. Instead of apathy, there was a palpable sense that the water crisis is a global problem. Today, every country in the world faces water-related chal ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-03

The stunning resilience of emerging markets

... lls for a new “Buenos Aires consensus” on macroeconomic policy and instead adopted the far more prudent policies advocated by the IMF over the past two decades, which amount to a thoughtful refinement ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-02

China: Further efforts to stabilise near-term growth

... roved and new mortgage issuances have increased. Given last year’s very weak Q4, it is likely that housing sales and starts could continue to improve through the end of 2023. The measures announced ov ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-02

With Russia, China is big brother

... urope nor new railways from Siberia to China. Evidently, Russia needs China much more than the other way around. In October, the Russian government said it aimed to spend a staggering 10.8 trillion ro ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-02

More babies, by hook or by crook!

... y in the “new trend of family”, urging the nation should "actively cultivate a new culture of marriage and childbearing and strengthen guidance on young people's view on marriage, childbirth and famil ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-01


... 機械人由腦神經科教授Newton Howard擁有,他把一個巨型Bumblebee和Optimus Prime ...全文



... 醫學期刊》(The New England Journal of Medicine)中,一項名為RENOVAT ...全文


Can businesses still capitalise on sales events in APAC?

... and Lunar New Year, are famed for offering huge potential for e-commerce businesses to boost sales and attract new customers who are eager to stretch their dollar. There are some head-winds however, a ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-30


隨着本港近年一再有報章雜誌壽終正寢,「紙媒末日」、「紙媒喪鐘」等言論漫天飛舞,傳統媒體與新媒體(new med ...全文


Can Japan reshape its research funding?

... 1% of the new University Fund of Japan (UFJ), the remaining 89% takes the form of a 20-year “loan” from the government, which borrowed the money from the market at a very low interest rate. Overseen b ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-26

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