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第一太平(00142) 其他-業務發展最新情況

第一太平(00142) 自願公告: MANILA ELECTRIC COMPANY投資於SP NEW ENE ...全文


Tree management: An example of human-machine collaboration

... , and the new forecasting system is the solution to tackle the problem.It has three major benefits: 1. Precision CLP set up a tree repair team of about 40 people to prune trees as early as 2001. But w ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-12

香港資源控股(02882) 展示文件

香港資源控股(02882) 有關出售BRAND NEW MANAGEMENT LIMITED之關連交易及須予披 ...全文


香港資源控股(02882) 《收購守則》所指的受要約公司刊發的公告

香港資源控股(02882) 寄發有關涉及出售BRAND NEW MANAGEMENT LIMITED之關連交易 ...全文


香港資源控股(02882) 通函 - [關連交易 / 《收購守則》所指的受要約公司發出的文件]

香港資源控股(02882) 有關出售BRAND NEW MANAGEMENT LIMITED之關連交易及須予披 ...全文


Thinking fast and slow: On Hong Kong as a tourist hub

... , forge a new path forward as a tourism hub within Greater Bay Area, and China at large, in the post-pandemic era. A significant number of measures have been rolled out, in an attempt to court tourist ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-10

Designing a marketing value chain that yields payoffs

... rporating new solutions into the value chain. The question then, is how can marketers better optimise their budgets and stretch their marketing dollar further, as businesses pull in the reins on spend ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-10

九十後追夢 創心靈甜點

... 士蛋糕的香氣,卻覺得New York Cheese Cake太甜太膩太實淨。從網上認識巴斯克芝士蛋糕後,便不斷 ...全文


The man who made China a literate nation

...  create a new romanisation system. Joint Publishing (香港三聯書店出版社) has just issued “The Man Who Made China a Literate Nation”, my English biography of this extraordinary man. He died on January 14, 2017 ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-09

UK cities declare bankruptcy

... 10 by the new Conservative government to balance the budget after the 2008 financial crisis. It has sharply cut budgets for policing, housing, welfare and local government. It has reduced the number o ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-06

UK cities declare bankruptcy

... 10 by the new Conservative government to balance the bu ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年10月06日

What Pandemic Preparedness Would Look Like

... ntified a new variant of the virus: other countries responded by imposing travel restrictions against it, even though it was unclear where the variant had originated, or whether it was more prevalent ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-04

What Hong Kong can learn from Hangzhou in Night Bazaar?

... Hong Kong newspaper the key lies in “doing what the young people want”. “Only youngsters could attract youngsters,” Ye said. “We must offer an entrepreneurial platform for the college students who kno ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-04

PNC擬購Signature Bank貸款組合

... 款轉讓給紐約社區銀行New York Community Bancorp,其他資產分階段標售。 ...全文



... k Sinatra的New York , New York歌詞所述「If I can make it ther ...全文



... 醫學期刊》(The New England Journal of Medicine)上。此研究主要針對的正正是 ...全文


Applying Chinese wisdom To resolve the Taiwan issue

... n 1982, a new constitution stipulated: “Taiwan is part of the sacred territory of the People’s Republic of China. It is the inviolable duty of all Chinese people, including our compatriots in Taiwan, ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-02

倫敦新盤租務回報6厘 瞄準海外客

...  公司將推售的一個在New Malden區的項目Sterling Place,經鐵路可在約20分鐘到倫敦中心的 ...全文



... 立的「新發展銀行」(New Development Bank)和「應急儲備安排」(Contingent Res ...全文


為保護民主 復興本地新聞

... ild Local News)總裁、「美國報告」(Report for America)聯合創辦人沃爾德曼(S ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2023年09月29日

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