
共 3000 個結果
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Can businesses still capitalise on sales events in APAC?

... and Lunar New Year, are famed for offering huge potential for e-commerce businesses to boost sales and attract new customers who are eager to stretch their dollar. There are some head-winds however, a ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-30


隨着本港近年一再有報章雜誌壽終正寢,「紙媒末日」、「紙媒喪鐘」等言論漫天飛舞,傳統媒體與新媒體(new med ...全文


Can Japan reshape its research funding?

... 1% of the new University Fund of Japan (UFJ), the remaining 89% takes the form of a 20-year “loan” from the government, which borrowed the money from the market at a very low interest rate. Overseen b ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-26

Fixing global economic governance

... ure along new economic and geopolitical lines. Rarely have the shortcomings of world leaders and existing institutional arrangements been so glaringly obvious. The IMF’s governing body could not even ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-26

Architecting the future of banking and wealth management

... ateway to new thinking, modern methods, and increased automation. For most financial institutions, cloud is uniquely empowering. Without the burden of legacy tech, financial institutions can do things ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-25

美新奧爾良158車串燒 7喪生

美國路易斯安那州新奧爾良(New Orleans)以西一帶周一在沼澤野火煙霾助長下產生「超級濃霧」,視野降至僅 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年10月25日

Mideast war threatens China’s economic relations with Israel

...  to build new ports in Haifa and Ashdod and part of the light rail system of Tel Aviv. They have invested heavily in Israeli companies in software development, IT and health sciences, as well as agric ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-24

Green property tech is emerging

...  to break new ground. The winning work “Smart Biophilic Design Platform” is a central database of three-dimensional (3D) green building elements, making it easier for architects and designers to add g ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-24

阿爾巴內塞下月訪京 暫停世貿提訴

... 業將迎來「新時代」(new era):「對中國消費者、客戶和澳洲葡萄酒業來說,都是有利的。」 ...全文


【EJFQ信析】鮑公暗示停加息 華爾街剛好彈完

... h old and new)的不確定性因素和風險,對抗通脹已取得成效,局方在推展貨幣政策時將「謹慎行事」(pr ...全文


鮑公暗示停加息 華爾街剛好彈完

... h old and new)的不確定性因素和風險,對抗通脹已取得成效,局方在推展貨幣政策時將「謹慎行事」(pr ...全文


國會報告放鷹 添熱戰風險

... 削減戰略武器條約》(New START)下已不能發射核武的發射器和B52轟炸機,重新改裝成可以動用核武。 報告 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 極具爭議2023年10月21日


周四美國聯儲局主席鮑威爾在紐約經濟俱樂部(Economic Club of New York)發表演說,未有就 ...全文


The new industrial politics

... the case. New theorizing has lent intellectual rigor to the “big push” model of industrialization, whereby markets left to their own devices fail to coordinate the simultaneous expansion of complement ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-20

倫敦住宅Sterling Place 364萬入場

仲量聯行國際住宅部銷售及國際住宅投資主管章覺文表示,Barratt London位於倫敦西南New Malde ...全文



美國最大託管銀行之一、紐約梅隆銀行(Bank of New York Mellon)公布,截至9月底止第三季, ...全文


Let them drink oil

... ecome our new normal. This includes the devastating floods and severe droughts that claimed hundreds of lives and displaced millions of people in Uganda and across the Horn of Africa, and the recent f ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-16

The global hunger crisis must not be normalized

... ecome the new normal. In the UK, the world’s sixth-largest economy, roughly one in seven people experienced food poverty in September 2022, with more than 2,000 food banks operating across the country ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-16

紐西蘭變天 右翼國家黨大勝上場
勒克森勢任總理 工黨承認落敗

... 紐西蘭航空(Air New Zealand)行政總裁的勒克森,棄商從政至今僅4年,他承諾帶領國家變得更加好。 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年10月16日

紐西蘭大選 執政工黨恐失勢

... 針鋒相對。當地民調1News Verian公布的最後民調顯示,國家黨支持度為37%,領先度雖稍為收窄,仍然領先 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年10月14日

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