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... 賽中爭勝。 科技媒體New Atlas介紹,Gravity Industries的噴射飛行套裝,包括安全頭盔、 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞EJ Tech 創科鬥室2024年01月31日


人生最好玩的一點是,只要你肯學,每天都有新嘢學,正所謂You learn something new ever ...全文



... 最熟悉,亦最有感情的New World Wine。事實上,如果「我與澳洲酒」是個愛情故事,我倆經歷的過程有點迂 ...全文


From shoes to semi-conductors, Taiwan’s transformation

... , and the new one, thanks to the warmth, friendship and help of many people and the availability of material in a free and open society. I dedicate “The Island” to the people of Taiwan, who have maint ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-29

How the Chinese economy can find its mojo back

... cuum’ – a new source of legitimacy, and one that would enable the pre-existing institutional arrangements and government in China to continue and stay on as the de facto representatives of its people. ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-29

Don’t undermine biodiversity for new development areas

... thwestern New Territories, which form "cradles of biodiversity, supporting countless species of plants and animals, in particular waterfowls, by providing food, breeding and nursery grounds". Similar ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-29

PLA uses 'grey zone' warfare to control South China Sea

... y, in his new book "Facing China – The Prospects of War ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2024年01月25日

Is the Outlook for the Global Economy Still Bullish?

... makers’ renewed focus on initiatives explicitly designed to boost productivity. True, the data have yet to show that these developments are bearing fruit; but, again, the gains from new technologies o ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-23


... 不像是新年才想出來的new year, new me願望。 人們活躍卻出奇地安靜,市中心Túria噴水池及聖女 ...全文


PLA uses ‘grey zone’ warfare to control South China Sea

... y, in his new book “Facing China – The Prospects of War and Peace” published by Rowman & Littlefield. “Grey zone” means coercive military operations short of war. He said that the PLA had since 20 ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-22

Choosing Lai Ching-te, Taiwan electors reject Beijing

... . But the news was not all good for the DPP. Lai received 5.59 million votes, over two million less than the 8.17 million won by Tsai Ing-wen, his DPP predecessor and current president, in the 2020 el ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-16

高齡自學 花婆婆91歲繽紛藝術人生

... 作,隨後更在13A New Street Art Gallery舉辦個展,花婆婆的名字因而為人熟悉起來,更有人 ...全文


What killed US-China engagement?

...  wants a “new model for great-power relations” that stresses equal partnership. Meanwhile, he has ordered top commanders of the People’s Liberation Army to prepare for conflict, because the West would ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-12


... 種人文進化,消費從「New Money」開始進入「Old Money」,正是筆者在蘇格蘭短暫停留時與一位長者交 ...全文


Rank dishonour

‘Virtue is the fount whence honour springs’(Marlowe) The New Year Honours List coupled with Boris Johnson and Liz Truss’s resignation honours Lists makes it timely to consider the British system of re ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-11

Hong Kong needs to de-emphasize national security

Eighteen months ago, President Xi Jinping was in Hong Kong to preside at the inaugural ceremony of a new Chief Executive, John Lee, and his team. Mr. Lee had spent nearly his entire career in police a ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-10

The Fed’s remarkable feat

... ld not be new. It played out in January 2019 with a policy U-turn when [Fed Chair Jerome] Powell unveiled new language that opened up the possibility that the next move in rates would be down, six wee ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-09

2024 U.S. election most important since 1860

... nd seek a new life on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. The most important element of their new constitution was the separation of powers between executive, legislative and judicial. No-one, howev ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-08


... 出的「新中產階層」(New Middle Class)的慣性行為,從而牽動服務性行業的增長。過去20年,高端與 ...全文



... ng新聞社、Nst New及富山Favo等傳媒廣泛報道,人氣十足。 店中蕨餅嚴選生產稀少的日本蕨粉,配合秘方及 ...全文


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