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中航信受惠行業復甦 伺機分段吸

... NDC)和統一訂單(ONE ORDER)發展趨勢的第三代客運收入管理平台;差旅賬戶產品在中國差旅支付市場份額提 ...全文


HGC數碼辦公方案 助中小企遙距工作

... 力資源緊張難題。其中ONE Hotline Service服務由專業顧問團隊提供IT技術支援,聲稱可全天候解答 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞EJ Tech 創科鬥室2023年10月25日

Mideast war threatens China’s economic relations with Israel

... y to postpone a visit to Beijing scheduled for the end of this month. In the economic field, bilateral relations have boomed since 2017, when the two governments announced a new phase of their relatio ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-24

Green property tech is emerging

The inaugural Green PropTech Innovator Challenge 2023 (“the Challenge”) came to a successful conclusion in July this year. As one of the judges, I was very happy with the creative solutions of the par ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-24

NOVO LAND 2A期「皇者」壓軸登場

... 83)牽頭發展的旺角ONE SOHO及中洲置業沙田火炭星凱.堤岸各沽4伙佔最多。   ...全文


料減辣後樓市蜜月期 洗衣街商住盤頭炮

... 內推出。同區甲級商廈One Bedford Place則計劃2024年緊接登場,可建樓面面積約14.46萬方呎 ...全文



...  the only one to blame.」,署名的包括穆斯林組織,以至Harvard Jews for ...全文



... 窗又千門扣 Not one of them was ours, my dear, not one of the ...全文



... 83)牽頭發展的旺角ONE SOHO新增「租金升級」特別優惠及指定單位折扣,過去周六(21日)以現樓形式新一輪 ...全文


MONACO ONE兩房向北2.2萬租出

九龍東啟德MONACO ONE 2B座高層D室,實用面積464方呎,2房間隔,座向北方,望開揚市景,以2.2萬 ...全文



... 83)牽頭發展的旺角ONE SOHO;長實(01113)油塘新盤親海駅I及II的「3房1.2.3換樓付款計劃」 ...全文



ONE SOHO主打1房戶,設於28樓A1室的裝修示範單位正是這類間隔,實用面積285方呎,裝修時尚型格,外望 ...全文


ONE SOHO會所曼哈頓風情
宴會廳天窗引日光 咖啡館式共享空間

信置(00083)、莊士機構(00367)及市區重建局合作發展的ONE SOHO,位處旺角核心區,舉步即達區內 ...全文


The new industrial politics

... olicy components. And what happens in the US doesn’t stay in the US. Other countries, similarly seeking to preserve and enhance their industrial bases, have responded with comparable measures. The que ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-20

The case for civil unions for same-sex couples

... ptance of one change could lead to other changes that are considered less desirable. Indeed, the legalisation of civil unions is a measure that would offer a balanced approach towards addressing the r ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-20

Imposter syndrome is real

... lded into one. Then came the tumultuous university days, when I’d find myself straddling student politics, running a number of publications, championing and spearheading tournaments, and making decisi ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-19

China struggles to attract foreign tourists

... r travel. One reason is visas. China requires visas for visitors from most countries. Until September this year, foreigners applying for a tourist visa had to fill in an 11-page application online. Qu ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-19

China struggles to attract foreign tourists

... r travel. One reason is visas. China requires visas for ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年10月19日

A spotlight In Broad Daylight

...  arguably one of the most important moments of local journalism. To say In Broad Daylight, a nominee for five awards in the upcoming Golden Horse Award, is a documentary is no exaggeration. Based on t ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-18

Governing the right to food

... national Monetary Fund on cash-strapped countries, coupled with the advent of the World Trade Organization, restricted the policy space of governments in the Global South. The adjustment programs call ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-18

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