
共 3000 個結果
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The stunning resilience of emerging markets

As finance ministers and central bankers convened in Marrakesh for the International Monetary Fund and World Bank annual meetings on October 9-15, they faced an extraordinary confluence of economic an ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-02

With Russia, China is big brother

... , up from one-quarter before the war, according to estimates from the Bank of Finland’s Institute for Emerging Economies. Beijing has angered the West by not condemning Russia’s invasion. But it has s ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-02


虛擬貨幣場外交易所(OTC)監管問題引起關注,本地OTC一宗比特幣(One Satoshi)宣布,將組建香港虛 ...全文


More babies, by hook or by crook!

... China had one of the world’s lowest fertility rates at 1.2 births per woman, compared with 2 births per woman in India, according to United Nations. As such, different provinces across China unveiled ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-01

Predicting growth with AI: The key to Hong Kong business success

... ing and prone to human error. They struggle to cope with external factors that impact customer behavior, such as changing market trends, regulatory shifts, and even weather conditions. As a result, bu ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-31

Stay in the game: Investing in a late-cycle world

While concerns of inflation, monetary policy and a possible recession continue from the previous quarter into the fourth quarter of 2023, an important variable has changed: The economic cycle is furth ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-31

Can businesses still capitalise on sales events in APAC?

... re more prone to checking prices and 45% are cutting back on unnecessary spending. Although some expect this may put a damper on consumer spending ahead of this year’s shopping festival season, it mig ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-30

The importance of sub-national diplomacy to Sino-US relations

... cumen for one to realise that Beijing and Washington do not see eye to eye on a whole roster of issues. Some of these issues are viewed and dubbed by Beijing as matters of domestic concern – though in ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-30


... 言充斥着冷嘲熱諷。「One hit wonder(一曲歌后)!」「問少啲,付出多啲啦!」「拜託少說多做。」「打 ...全文


ONE SOHO一周內沽5伙

信置(00083)牽頭發展的旺角ONE SOHO銷情持續,一周內速錄5宗成交。 最新成交單位為28樓A3室,實 ...全文


China’s great leap backward

... national Monetary Fund quotas, it is more useful to compare national GDPs at current exchange rates. After three decades of 10% annual growth, the Chinese economy was bound to decelerate. Technologica ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-27

Understanding China can be easy, but requires humility

... tually erroneous reporting (though there are times when this arises, but such errors appear across all sorts of publications, and are few and far between), but of a fundamentally tainted lens in readi ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-27

疑學業困擾 聖言男生校內墮斃

位於彩雲新清水灣道band one名校聖言中學一名14歲男生,昨午約1時42分被學校職員發現倒斃於校內,疑從高 ...全文


Can Japan reshape its research funding?

... owed the money from the market at a very low interest rate. Overseen by a team of newly hired professional asset managers, management of the UFJ began in March 2022. The goal is to generate an annuali ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-26

Fixing global economic governance

Following the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank this month, the Middle East is teetering on the edge of a major conflict, and the rest of the world continues to fra ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-26


... ws+、Apple One及Premier服務月費。■ 波音第三季淨虧損16億美元,每股經調整虧損3.26美元 ...全文


蘋果調高Apple TV+等服務月費

... 綁式服務Apple One及最高規模Premier服務的月費也有上調。 蘋果發言人回應CNBC查詢時稱,受調整 ...全文


蘋果Apple TV+等三平台齊加價

... 。這意味Apple One套餐的月費也會上升,包括Arcade、音樂串流服務Apple Music在內的基本套 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2023年10月26日

以愛之名 全面管治

... rs...Baby One More Time面世,閃電風靡全球,其衣着、髮型到行為舉止被視為流行文化指標,媲 ...全文


More residents crossing the border on Chung Yeung

... oted the “One country, two systems” prevailed during Chung Yeung Festival because it is not a holiday on the mainland.) Local reports suggested that some people had to wait for one hour at the West Ko ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-25

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