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Technologies African farmers need

Ethiopia has long suffered from recurrent large-scale famines, most notably in the early 1980s, when at least one million people died, and millions more were displaced. This year, however, Ethiopia ha ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-27

The Imperative role digital coupon plays in the retail industry

Coupons, despite being one of the oldest marketing tools, continue to be highly effective even in the digital age. It possesses the power to attract and motivate consumers to make purchases. Research ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-27


... ,套現逾4.3億元;ONE SOHO錄得11伙成交,套現逾2.1億元。 ...全文


BAKER CIRCLE ONE累售450伙 美聯贈買家傢俬現金券

... ER CIRCLE ONE首3期累售450個單位,套現約27.4億元,平均成交價約610萬元。日前已發出BAK ...全文


What steel decarbonization needs

...  alloy) alone accounts for some 8% of annual global CO2 emissions, and well over 10% if one includes the industry’s emissions from electricity generation and coal mining. Fortunately, it is both techn ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-23

Why McDonald’s pays more to buy its china franchise stake back

... mount of money it got from selling an 80 percent stake in its China franchise six years ago, for a 28 percent stake this time. Of course, McDonald’s China, now its second-largest market, is now a diff ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-22

Can't touch or feel a digital asset?

One mental hurdle that many older generation investors like Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, Jaime Dimon, and others have over digital assets is that it is not real. By real they mean something that is ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-22

SHOPLINE支援 影片標註產品

... Tube頻道Ani-One恒常播放動畫影片,更為適合影片類的銷售模式。Ani-One平台代表胡敏慧稱,公司之前 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞EJ Tech 創科鬥室2023年11月22日

Did the Fed rein in inflation?

... f course, one month doesn’t mean much. Gasoline prices won’t plunge 5% every month, as they did between September and October. But there are also more promising – and meaningful – longer term data ava ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-21

Sanctimonious sanctions

... t throw stones. Quite apart from the wholly indiscriminate lumping together of Hong Kong government security personnel who, technically can be held responsible for implementing the National Security L ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-21

One Innovale中層一房1.23萬租出

粉嶺One Innovale C座中層10室,實用面積約312方呎,1房連衣帽間間隔,望內園景,終以1.23萬 ...全文


After seven years away, Cameron’s appointment shocks Britain

... guilty of one of the biggest policy mistakes of post-1945 Britain -- holding a referendum in June 2016 that led to the country leaving the European Union. This caused a flight of capital and talent an ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-20

家庭2.1萬租One Innovale三房

粉嶺One Innovale E座中層03室,實用面積672方呎,3房套房間隔,議價後以2.1萬元租出,實用呎 ...全文


Justice for street vendors

...  requires one resource above all: access to busy, pedestrian-friendly, well-connected, and affordable public space. But government authorities focus instead on “cleaning up” cities, which means cleari ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-17

預防下次疫情 遵循科學

... 採取與整體健康策略(One Health approach)一致的總體方法,是制定預防政策的關鍵步驟。 有效的 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2023年11月16日

COP28 must focus on the climate-fueled health crisis

... eir loved ones. Most of us, wherever we live, are directly or indirectly affected by this crisis. As climate change worsens, its effects on our physical and mental health are no longer hypothetical. O ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-16

Why China’s FDI flow turns negative

... olitical. One is high interest rates for the dollar. This makes saving dollars more attractive and borrowing to invest overseas more expensive. Another is the slowdown in China’s economy. The IMF fore ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-16

YOHO WEST上樓書 最快周六開價

...  信置牽頭發展的旺角ONE SOHO再更新第5號價單,再為指定10個1房戶添加折扣,當中有3個單位最高折扣率增 ...全文


Why China's FDI flow turns negative

... olitical. One is high interest rates for the dollar. Th ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年11月16日

Macau hands out cash to everyone

... ot happy. One paper criticized the government for lacking innovations except repeating most of the perks it gave out previously. So what else do they want? The baby bonus. One paper criticized the gov ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-15

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