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ONE SOHO增折扣 周六賣47伙

信置(00083)牽頭發展的旺角ONE SOHO,上周四(12日)把指定16個單位增設「租金升級」特別優惠及指 ...全文



... 卓越理財客戶,而滙豐One及其他客戶,3個月定存息則是4.3厘。渣打定存利率在大行中較低,3個月定存息為4.1 ...全文


Let them drink oil

... fect everyone else. Contrary to the industry’s claims, the net-zero transition will not lead to a cascading decline in living standards. Crucially, no one is calling for an abrupt halt to all fossil-f ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-16

The global hunger crisis must not be normalized

... , roughly one in seven people experienced food poverty in September 2022, with more than 2,000 food banks operating across the country; there were fewer than 100 a decade or so ago. In Brazil, poverty ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-16


... ere is no one-size-fits-all solution.」(這沒有通用的解決辦法)。它還回答 ...全文


一手市暫銷8340伙 5巨擘佔七成半

... 例如粉嶺大型發展項目One Innovale及大角咀利奧坊系列3盤,令恒地首三季累售約1490伙,佔主要發展商 ...全文



... 產啟德MONACO ONE項目的MONACO MARINE,低座C座地下A室,實用面積703方呎,連428方呎 ...全文


MONACO ONE低層兩房2.1萬租出

九龍東啟德MONACO ONE 2A座低層B室,實用面積436方呎,2房間隔。單位座向南方,望園林景,最新以2 ...全文


The global north must follow the global south’s lead

... has this money come from? The short answer is consumers. Some of the world’s richest companies are raking in bumper profits from a cost-of-living crisis – largely fueled by high energy prices – that h ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-13

The binary temptation

... ieve everyone should get acquainted with the facts prior to weighing in with crass, excess generalisations and sweeping characterisations. Everyone feels and believes that their reality – their subjec ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-13

ONE SOHO餘貨添折扣 620萬起
涉16個1房單位 減幅最高13.5%

10月暫未有全新一手項目登場,現樓餘貨盤趁空檔增加折扣優惠先行吸客。信置(00083)牽頭發展的旺角ONE S ...全文


ONE SOHO推新付款辦法 最高26%折扣

信置(00083)牽頭發展的旺角ONE SOHO剛上載價單3及5號更新價單,發展商新增90天付款計劃及「尊貴O ...全文


ONE SOHO將新增按揭優惠

信置(00083)牽頭發展的旺角ONE SOHO將於日內上載價單,新增付款計劃及首年免息免供按揭優惠。 信置執 ...全文


Emerging market local debt: The stars may be aligning

... t cycles: one before and two since the global financial crisis. The first one was the 2004 to 2006 midcycle Fed tightening, then came the 2013 taper tantrum and then 2018 Fed hawkishness episode. In t ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-12

Too many typhoon suspensions?

No one can control natural disasters but that does not mean we cannot handle them in a smarter way. Almost every time a typhoon hits Hong Kong, there will be guaranteed finger-pointing to the governme ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-11

Navigating through fintech regulatory resilience in Hong Kong

... nlicensed ones, including overseas entities, operate beyond regulatory reach. Importance and challenges of complying with the travel rule To better deal with the volatility of the digital asset sector ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-11

Designing a marketing value chain that yields payoffs

... eriences. One common pain point is a siloed approach that leaves agents switching between numerous tabs, and which makes it challenging to resolve customer issues quickly. Poor agent experiences can h ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-10


... 界貿易中心一號大樓(One World Trade Center)及帝國大廈上周六晚亮起象徵以色列國旗的藍、白 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年10月10日

九十後追夢 創心靈甜點

... 碑,訂單不絕。 作為One-man Band的創業初哥,激發了陳可兒的潛在小宇宙,「我負責做餅、影相、設計網站 ...全文


Hong Kong must brace itself for the era of geopolitics

... pposed to one another. Talk of decoupling and rerouting of supply chains has come to dominate the news, with many pundits opining that globalisation is dead. And hence, long live globalisation! Given ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-09

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