
共 3000 個結果
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How India can sustain rapid economic growth

... il to the Prime Minister of India. Copyright: Project Syndicate-- Contact us at [email protected]   ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-15

America’s China challenge

... ustralian prime minister Kevin Rudd advocates setting a goal of “managed strategic competition.” In the short term, rising nationalism in China and the assertive policies of Xi’s government mean that ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-05

The G20 in an age of war

Last October’s G20 Leaders’ Summit – held in Rome, and hosted by then-Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi – produced a declaration brimming with promises to “address today’s most pressing global chall ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-05

Sino-British relations to worsen with new Prime Minister

In October 2015, British Prime Minister David Cameron declared a “golden era” in his country’s relations with China. Now, not seven years later, the two people campaigning to become the next Prime Min ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-01

亞馬遜續虧156億 次季營收增7% 廿年最慢

...  亞馬遜今年2月上調Prime會籍費用,令上季訂戶服務收入升14%至87.2億美元,扭轉之前連續三季放緩的勢頭 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年07月30日

美國收水 港樓牛市將結束

... 開始調整最優惠利率(prime rate),亦即H樓按封頂參考息率將上調。究竟這輪聯儲局收水行動,將對香港樓價 ...全文


A decade of 'whatever it takes'

... s Italy’s prime minister on the same day. In July 2012, the ECB sought to circumvent a key question: What conditions should a central bank impose when it purchases government debt? Should an unelected ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-27

熱錢加快流走 港股難有運行

兩個多月前,筆者曾探討香港銀行上調最優惠利率(Prime Rate;P)的時間(詳見5月17日本欄),由於當時 ...全文


Cutting data’s carbon footprint for a more sustainable Hong Kong

... ng as the prime location for data centres in Asia Pacific. This will help position the city as a hub for technological cooperation and trade. According to recent research, by 2025, data centres will u ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-25


本地三大財務公司之一安信信貸(Prime Credit),前年年初在市場放盤,持有UA亞洲聯合財務的新鴻基公司 ...全文



... 連同邦民、安信信貸(Prime Credit)、Aeon及大眾財務並稱市場五大巨頭。 金管局冀競爭推動收費降低 ...全文


Amazon expands further into healthcare via One Medical deal

...  with its Prime membership program and voice AI Alexa are some of the possibilities. -- Contact us at [email protected] ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-22

Take me to your leader…

... nd become Prime Minister of the country throws these qualities into sharp focus. More accurately, it would create such definition if the candidates had such skills and were applying them to the burnin ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-19


...  AMZN ) 的 Prime 服務競爭;Zoom ( ZM )要與 Microsoft 的Teams競爭。顯 ...全文



... 馬遜今年的會員促銷日Prime Day合共售出超過3億件貨品,高於去年的約2.5億件,是歷來最勁。 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年07月16日

【國際早班車】阿里ADR較港插6.3% 高層傳遭上海當局約談

... 舉行兩天會員促銷日「Prime Day」,銷售額按年升8.5%,至近120億美元。■ 美國兩年期債息一度漲11 ...全文


亞馬遜Prime Day銷售額據稱增8.5%

據Adobe數碼貿易統計數據顯示,網購巨擘亞馬遜(Amazon)過去兩天舉行會員促銷日「Prime Day」, ...全文


My Take -- on the Tory Race

... work. The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom is the i ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2022年07月15日

On the Tory race

... work. The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom is the individual deemed by the Sovereign as being most likely to command the confidence of a majority – or at least a functional plurality – of parliame ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-14

China’s record high youth urban unemployment

... per cent. Prime Minister Li Keqiang has said that the country may miss its full 2022 growth target of 5.5 per cent. The record unemployment is also a result of government policies. In the last two yea ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-14

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