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The right way to intervene in clean tech

... as put in place a wide range of industrial policies that support the development and deployment of green solutions. For example, the US Inflation Reduction Act openly encourages reshoring by offering ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-17


... TIME、THIS PLACE,這時、這地,即在這時、這地的本地藝術家如何『在香港創作』及『創作香港』,希望藉 ...全文


西倫敦Ealing 居民滿意度勝首都
交通便利得人心 「郊區女王」綠化高

... 位於Fairlea Place一個低層單位,實用面積570方呎,1房間隔,今年3月以30.5萬英鎊(約304萬 ...全文


Hong Kong needs to protect its image as financial center

... ce was in place to underpin the city’s competitiveness. Separately, the government had been withdrawing certain books from public libraries after the security law was in place. In May 2023, such effor ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-07

The right way to intervene in clean tech

... as put in place a wide range of industrial policies that support the development and deployment of green solutions. For example, the US Inflation Reduction Act openly encourages reshoring by offering ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-07

Investment theory in practice

... the marketplace over time. Betting on individual stocks was best left to gamblers, insiders with special information, or those who truly believed they had special insights into the business cycle. But ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-03


... 牌店雲集的凡登廣場(Place Vendôme)和平街(Rue de la Paix),該區近年多次發生持械搶 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年08月03日


... 車,經過Gower Place步行至劇院途中,看見左右都是UCL物業:醫院、生化工程大樓、UCL主樓、法律系協 ...全文


Challenges TSMC’s Phoenix plant faces

... important place in the global production of semi-conductors, especially the most sophisticated ones. “We make those of three-nanometers and are researching those of two-nanometres. Taiwan also makes s ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-27


... Amikejo(意謂place of friendship),得到不少人響應,此後他們更有國歌、國旗,學校引入 ...全文


大圍站圍方今開業 商舖近150個

... 港最大Market Place超級市場。而商戶中接近25%為特色食肆,包括首度登陸香港的名古屋烏冬面店山本屋等 ...全文


獨立屋愈大愈保值 5房戶3年半漲價80%

... Heyington Place的另一所女校St Catherine's School,高考成績更為出眾,打入三 ...全文


HK financial service organisations need to be more creative

... kflows in place so employees can be connected and provide the best experience to their customers. The report found that around a third (31 percent) of respondents have access to user-friendly applicat ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-14


... 利組織Canuck Place兒童臨終關懷醫院。 為實踐這項承諾,柏衛資本將會撥出目前正在募資的二號基金的管理 ...全文


拜登會辛偉誠 稱美英關係堅如磐石
認同須先續助烏克蘭防衞 放行入北約待議

... (rightful place),英國期望與盟友合作,尋找烏克蘭加入北約的途徑,具體機制仍有待討論。華府一直認 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年07月11日

Why are Russian oil products still being sold in America?

... an oil in places such as India and Turkey: refineries there buy crude oil at the price cap, and sell refined products at world prices – including to the US, the United Kingdom, and the EU, all of whic ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-10

畫中有畫 美好世界

... In A Good Place by Mr.Likey個人作品展,展品逾25件。繼上年北京798藝術區及今年美 ...全文


The Greenland Ice Sheet cannot wait

... ch taking place there. Although one cannot smell the tundra or hear the Arctic birds through interactive maps, such tools promise to familiarize people with the world’s largest island and help them un ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-30

The debt-for-nature lifeline

... anks must place nature at the center of their operations. The Global Biodiversity Framework agreed at last December’s United Nations Biodiversity Conference in Montreal, requires them to ensure that t ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-22


St. James’s Place Asia發布一份研究報告,調查顯示超過一半的香港人(58%)認為自己財務上 ...全文


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