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光榮的告別 專訪SEVVA創辦人Bonnae Gokson

... 的是Harbour side的大型吊燈雕塑裝飾,她先找來Chelsea Flower Show的Gold Medal獎得主設計天花頂層花海,並由她親自指揮將數以萬朵的絲花一朵朵一絲不苟地掛到天花上。在花海下掛上的是她嘔心瀝血之作:Gypsy chandelier。Gypsy chandelier由三十六盞顏色長度不一的chandelier組成,每盞吊燈長1.7米,再加上超過76,000件、分別有1 ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-12

Vision Pro新增空間角色功能

... 參與,暫時有排排企(Side-by-Side)、圍圈(Surround)及隨意聊天(Conversationa ...全文

今日信報財經新聞EJ Tech 創科鬥室2024年04月04日


... the funny side)。 從這段趣聞可以看到,雖然直麵歷史悠久,但直至上世紀五十年代,不是英國主流食物 ...全文


Does threat of conflict over Taiwan worsen after DPP victory?

A group of foreign residents is seeking a place of refu ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2024年02月29日

Does threat of conflict over Taiwan worsen after DPP victory?

A group of foreign residents is seeking a place of refuge – probably a temple or monastery – to hide if PLA soldiers arrive in Taiwan. “We have heard these threats for 30 years,” said a Taiwan enginee ...More

EJ Insight2024-02-26

穩信心須貫徹到底 龍年效應考驗分寸

... 措施(demand-side stimulus)、充當樓市和股市的強大後盾,同時願向民營環節提供支持,滬深三百 ...全文


What can individuals do in the age of geopolitics?

...  1972, President Richard Nixon visited China. That visit changed China, changed the US, and, of course, fundamentally altered the course of world history. Humanisation breaks the ice. Humanisation als ...More

EJ Insight2024-02-05

The dangers of adulation and sycophants

... ecided to side with Trump in denying the objectively valid results of the 2020 Presidential Election, they were offered all sorts of positions, opportunities, and windfalls, political or otherwise, by ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-29


...  微軟與蘋果二選一,side bet做決定不難,惟爛船豈止三斤釘,即使2023年全年升幅化為烏有,蘋果在「七雄 ...全文


【輪證下半Part】開side back賭今日指數踩唔踩返上熊證第一層

... 戰友們圍內今朝開咗個Side back係今日指數升定跌,我放低咗一碗貓糧作賭注買升,戰友就大我兩條貓條買跌;嚟 ...全文


The promise of AI for banks is huge, but concerns abound

... place it. Side by side with AI tools, emotional intelligence, human experience and human judgment still have a major part to play in business. -- Contact us at [email protected] ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-11

The Fed’s remarkable feat

Monetary-policy watchers are currently divided into two groups. But perhaps both sides should pause and reflect on where we were 18 months ago and where we are now. On one side of the divide are those ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-09

2024 U.S. election most important since 1860

In November 1860, Abraham Lincoln of the Republican Party won the U.S. presidency, beating Democrat John Breckinridge. In May 1861, six southern Democratic states seceded from the union, followed by f ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-08


... 傳媒把新條例形容為「Side hustle tax」,打算經營副業來謀生的話要三思了。 第二天讀到的,是有關2 ...全文



美國紐約市曼哈頓上西城(Upper West Side)中心地區地下鐵兩列車周四下午擦撞出軌,導致24人受傷, ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2024年01月06日


... 在上演,所以Buy Side同事講求上游思維(Upstream Thinking),簡單講即預視風險、超前部署 ...全文


How a man’s world systematically neglects women

... f adverse side effects from medication, not least because recommended doses are not optimized for women. An analysis of studies in which women were given the same drug dosage as men showed that, in mo ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-02

China: Aiming for a stable 2024

... nvestment side, manufacturing investment continued to hold up, while real estate investment remained weak. Housing starts improved from a very low base in November last year, while home sales continue ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-29


... 我們全體合唱安歌一曲Side by Side,歌詞一字不漏。   ...全文


If you gaze long enough into an abyss,it will gaze back into you

... ions. One side could well be more ‘right’ than the other – but what does that mean, and what solace and comfort would that deliver to the millions of Palestinian and Israeli people who have been thrus ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-18

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