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約翰遜派對門涉誤導國會 恐失議席

... ridge and South Ruislip)選區,或要進行補選,找出取代他的人選。 工黨籲辛偉誠勿盲撐 約 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年03月06日

美猛料名記赫什 震撼彈玩謝華府
指控美炸北溪氣管 近年屢捲假新聞風波

... 在當地黑人社區南區(South Side)經營乾洗店,在兒子17歲時去世。赫什學業成績欠佳,高中畢業後只能升讀 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global人氣我寫2023年03月04日

Trouble with carbon markets

... he Global South that provide nature-based offsets, which they then sell with a markup to developed country clients. Many climate activists argue that any market-based approach is fundamentally flawed, ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-03


... 兩本著作,有關釀酒的South Facing Slope和寫鄉村紳士生活點滴的A Thousand Acres ...全文


Ireland, Portugal close door on emigration path for rich Chinese

... f Turkey, South Africa and United Arab Emirates. The main reason for the change is Portugal’s housing crisis. Many local people cannot afford to buy property, especially in Lisbon and Porto, the count ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-27


... 區」(Global South;亞洲、非洲和拉丁美洲發展中國家)和「球北地區」(Global North;西方 ...全文


India at a crossroads

... 2-12), or South Korea in the 1990s under its dominant chaebols. In some ways, this concentration of economic power has served India well. Owing to superior financial management, the economy has grown ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-23

APAC real estate: Opportunities to rise as borrowing costs bite

... apore and South Korea. Australia too has been faced with similar pressures in recent quarters. However, the dynamism of the region is well demonstrated again with China and Japan – the two largest eco ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-23

He is not a top talent Hong Kong wants

... gy of the Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen, spoke to the South China Morning Post just two weeks ago that Lulu and Nana, the two genetically modified twin girls he created in ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-22

Food waste reduction alleviates landfill dilemma

... , Taiwan, South Korea, and other places have already implemented domestic food waste recycling. Hong Kong is lagging behind; it is crucial to engage more citizens in the food waste recycling scheme wi ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-21


... 從倫敦南海泡沫事件(South Sea Bubble)、法國的密西西比泡沫(Mississippi Bubbl ...全文


Closing the eco gender gap

... he Global South), we have a clear ethical obligation to combat climate change. And since sexism evidently harms the capacity to act rationally in this regard, we need to clarify and transform the perc ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-16

My Valentine’s prayer for Mr and Mrs Bowring

... tion) and South China Morning Post. An honorary member of the Society of Publishers in Asia, which praised Bowring’s lifework “embodies the highest standard of journalistic integrity”, Bowring wrote a ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-15


前文提出「球南」(Global South)地區仍受到「不結盟運動」(non-aligned movement ...全文


金風科技(02208) 海外監管公告-其他

金風科技(02208) 關於為控股子公司Goldwind New Energy South Africa提供擔 ...全文


Japan’s strategic imperative

...  like the South China Sea. This is a persistent source of risk, because, unlike Europe after 1945, East Asia never benefited from full reconciliation between rivals or established strong regional inst ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-06


... 南」(Global South,即包括亞洲、非洲和拉丁美洲)國家的外交政策有什麼影響?本文透過南非、「金磚國家 ...全文



... China and South Asia,明顯地,此乃香港富商何鴻卿的贊助成果。何鴻卿是豪門望族何東之孫,曾任 ...全文


Year of Rabbit: Leaping into a bumper year for digital payment

... China and South Korea are already ahead of others when it comes to adoption rates and regulatory stances on developing and integrating the metaverse. Hopefully other markets in APAC will mirror these ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-02

Too soon for global optimism

...  times is South Africa in the 1980s and early 1990s. Back then, the world was largely united against South African apartheid. But that is not the case with the war in Ukraine. Russia’s invasion caused ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-02

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