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早前美國網上媒體Huffington Post其中一個博客, 以「一個女人誕下第二胎」為題,配以威廉王子與凱特 ...全文



... gatha Christie)生前最後居住的地方,地位在十二世紀的撒克遜時代更加顯赫。 市鎮雖小,但風景秀麗如 ...全文



... 綱圖(S/ YL/ ST-8),約40多萬呎的替代用地,估計只約一半屬他們持有,但整幅土地用途規劃為「OU」( ...全文


Gateway House及The Harland勢成投資新焦點

... ital and Estate Office Property Consultants推出兩個地理位置優越的項 ...全文


糅合傳統與現代 投資潛力優厚
倫敦市高尚住宅Barts Square

... ringdon East Crossrail亦只有咫尺之距,屆時經由鐵路網絡,即可輕鬆方便接通全市各地。從項目 ...全文



... 包括史蒂文生R L Stevenson的《金銀島》與《鬼醫》;六十年代初中,中二英文科讀本是簡化版(用淺白字彙 ...全文


夏日冧酒節尋寶 加勒比海珍罕酒藏

... 買加冧酒風格;而英式style的冧酒則帶點甜,有着輕柔易入口的討好特色。自酒吧開業至今,Max漸漸摸清了本地酒 ...全文


倫敦Kilburn尊貴地段 Argo House勢成居住及投資熱點

... aida Vale及St John's Wood等多個倫敦著名景點僅咫尺之遙,動感與魅力生活俱備,同時盡享便捷 ...全文


溫哥華西區頂級地段 唯一高層住宅
Granville at 70th尊享首3年每年5%租金回報

... 商西岸置業集團(Westbank Projects Corporation)精心規劃的大型項目Granvill ...全文



... 要留意的是彩虹公司為ST股,即本身屬於一隻連年虧損的股票,且負債不輕,達五十多億元,是次出售後,彩虹公司將不再 ...全文


母公司執靚資產 京城H股折讓大

... 後不必再於股名前冠以ST。 北人的重組是別開生面,由整間北人置換為京城機電,業務由印刷機械轉為機電,並以液化天 ...全文


花都縮影 新派古典

... 街,又找來法國設計師Stéphanie Coutas幫忙,打造一個最地道的法式生活空間,糅合時尚與古典設計。 ...全文


Flu outbreaks reported in 119 schools

Flu outbreaks have been reported in 119 schools across Hong Kong over the past three and half weeks, prompting some parents to seek the suspension of classes in places where the situation is serious,  ...More

EJ Insight2015-02-05

Oil selloff accelerates, triggering equities rout on Wall St

Crude oil prices fell briefly below the US$50 a barrel level in US trading on Monday, sending energy shares sharply lower and dragging the broader market down nearly 2 percent on Wall Street. Concerns ...More

EJ Insight2015-01-06

Russians downgrade holiday plans amid economic woes

Russian tourists are downgrading their holiday plans, opting for cheaper overseas destinations or domestic travel, amid the nation's economic troubles and a rapidly devaluing currency, Financial Times ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-10

Students pack Tamar Park for 'democracy sessions'

Up to 4,000 students and citizens attended the "democracy sessions" at Tamar Park in Hong Kong's Admiralty district during lunch hour and in the evening on Tuesday, Apple Daily reported. Students from ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-24

Antiquities board seeks conservation of Wellington St building

A 67-year-old building on Wellington Street in Central has been classified as Grade III historical building by the Antiquities Advisory Board. The structure, owned by Nam Wah Ink Company, an ink manuf ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-17

Apple wireless payment service too boost iPhone 6 sales

Apple's new wireless payment service could help boost sales of iPhone 6 with its larger screen more suited to such transactions, Reuters reported Thursday. The new service is expected to claw back mar ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-11

The economics and politics of mooncakes

Small cake, big business. It is that time of the year when we share the traditional Chinese pastry at family gatherings and celebrate friendship with business partners. It's the Mid-Autumn Festival, t ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-08

Gentlemen prefer the natural look

Go easy on the warpaint -- this is the message that men have proffered to members of the opposite sex in a recent survey on women's make-up habits. A study conducted in Britain on behalf of beauty bra ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-03

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