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英鎊低位 把握入市良機
熱選倫敦Notting Hill優尚豪華住宅項目

... reen Park及St. James's Park形成了一個龐大綠色地帶,被視為倫敦市中心與肯辛頓及西敏寺區 ...全文


獅城「無車星期天」 實踐潔淨綠色未來

... 上7時;聖安德烈路(St. Andrew's Road)及史丹福路(Stamford Road)會在中午後解封 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global特稿2016年02月27日

巴巴多斯 加勒比海粉紅地氈

... 建的聖邁克爾大教堂(St. Michael's Cathedral),曾經在1780年和1831年分別被颶風肆 ...全文

今日信報副刊文化街頭煮意Doris Tsang2016年02月24日

Valentine's Day: Will love pass the test of a downturn?

... n parent, St. Valentine’s Day. "Therefore, if you came to escape the world’s gift-giving mania of 14 February, tough luck! Expect festive fun for romantics city-wide, with restaurant specials for coup ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-12


作者:趙汶殷 學校:St. Paul's Co-educational College 作者以插敍手法繪畫這幅 ...全文


歐盟成員國 投資新樂土

... Church of St. George, Sofia)是全索菲亞歷史最悠久的教堂之一,建於公元4世紀羅馬帝國 ...全文



可能讀者都曾經聽過St. John's Wort這種草藥的名字,中文一般翻譯為聖約翰草、開心草或是忘憂草。它是 ...全文


酒店宏偉浮雕 細說澳門航海史

... 。至於澳門的The St. Regis Bar又如何?葡萄牙藝術家Gil Araujo以葡萄牙和中國兩種截然不 ...全文


Woman hit by listeriosis after eating smoked salmon in hospital

A 79-year-old female patient at St. Teresa’s Hospital has been confirmed to be suffering from listeriosis, the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health said. Listeriosis is a ser ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-19

Hong Kong 'McRefugees' up sharply, study shows

... SoCO) and St. James’ Settlement.  The figures show a 14 percent increase in the number of homeless people to 1,614 in 2015 from 1,414 in 2013. More than half were from Kowloon West, including Yau Tsim ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-11


... 對方旗下美國女裝品牌St. John在內地合作營運進行探討,稍後將繼續協調。復星旗下希臘品牌Folli Fol ...全文


復星入股珂萊蒂爾 睇中營銷網絡平台

... Spa、美國女裝品牌St. John及時尚品牌Folli Follie等。 復星入股消息未能刺激珂萊蒂爾股價, ...全文


Pope urges help for Cuban migrants stranded in Central America

... erlooking St. Peter's Square to tens of thousands of people, Francis said many of those stranded are victims of human trafficking. "I ask the countries of the region to generously resume efforts to fi ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-28

The Beatles: 4 Liverpool boys who became a global legend

...  Woolton, St. Peter's Church, where McCartney and John Lennon first met, has become a historic landmark. Then there are the places that inspired the Fab Four’s songs. For example, the song Penny Lane ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-25

威登堡 馬丁路德改革第一步

... ty Church ST. Mary),這座羅馬式教堂,建於1280年,有典型的雙塔式建築風格,這裏曾經在15 ...全文



...  1886等字,代表ST. John Cathedral 1886年的意思。本港在英治時代,有許多地方屬於英軍 ...全文


Private hospitals hike fees by as much as 200 percent

... eptember, St. Paul’s Hospital raised its clinic and standard room rates for prenatal examinations by 3.4 percent. The hospital increased its prices again recently by another 12.7 percent. The fees for ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-22

Friendly employers reward staff with flexible leave arrangements

St. James’ Settlement (SJS) is among a new breed of employers which are willing to exercise a greater level of flexibility to accommodate employees’ needs. Niki Lai is a manager at a SJS youth service ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-15

觀光客少 環境寧靜舒適

... hool和天主教小學St. John the Baptist Catholic Primary School的 ...全文


Study finds racial discrimination by Airbnb hosts

...  Angeles, St. Louis, and Washington, D.C. Airbnb hosts decide whom they want to rent to; requests from white guests got “yes” responses 50 percent of the time, against 42 percent for black applicants. ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-11

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