
共 999 個結果
頁數:1...38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 ...50

Doctor, 42, jumps to death due to suspected work stress

... s Saisons tower on Tai On Street suggested that the doctor was under work-related stress. Cheung graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1998 and has since become an authoritative figure ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-03

How HK is grappling with a North Korean defector crisis

... 41-storey tower in Harcourt Road, Admiralty that houses the South Korean consulate, is a stone’s throw away from the chief executive’s office, government headquarters and the PLA’s central barracks. A ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-29

Why HK properties aren't created equal: one city, many tenures

... mixed-use tower on Russell Street in Causeway Bay, both of which also have 999-year tenures. In Hong Kong, properties with tenure of 999 years and other lengths of lease coexist and are usually locate ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-28

農場時尚 市集美食

... alifornia Tower。餐廳致力創造一個愉快的分享美食體驗,在意大利,最新鮮的食材不是在超市裏而是出現 ...全文


Police investigate bogus law firm involved in loan fraud

...  Standard Tower on Queen's Road in Central, had never registered itself with the Law Society of Hong Kong, although the firm claimed that it has been in business for 15 years. It was also found that n ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-26

Three foreigners questioned over parkour stunt plan

... 60-storey tower at 18 Salisbury Road called the police after he noticed intruders in the early hours of Sunday. Officers arrived at the site and began questioning the three young men as to what they w ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-25


... 升級」去800米高的Tower Hill,Tower Hill有一個圓頂山和一系列的山肩,沿着山肩兩旁飛可以不 ...全文


Shenzhen Airlines suspends pilot over Lantau incident

... e control tower intended for the pilot of another flight, which led to the deviation from the standard flight path. According to a report from the Aviation Herald, Flight ZH-9041, which was traveling ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-14

Nothing tops Chungking Mansions for this roof jumper

...  25-story tower and leaping across three meters to the next building with no harness or safety net below. The building was later identified as Provident Center in North Point. The stunt, which Cave sa ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-12

新澤西威霍肯 曼哈頓後花園
一河之隔 樓價平三成

... ken Water Tower ),為著名地標建築之一。 中國房產商進軍建樓 威霍肯擁有優越的地理條件,距離甘 ...全文


1200 Avenue 589萬入場

... 塔(Freedom Tower)等地標建築一覽無遺。項目已落成,可即買即住。 家電齊備 設施完善 代理仲量聯行 ...全文


Chinese firms march into Central as foreign banks move out

Next time you tell a cabbie to take you to Citibank Tower in Hong Kong Island, don't be surprised if you are greeted with a perplexed look. It is because the 51-storey commercial building that you had ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-17

31 years in the making and then a killing

... n is a 28-tower residential bloc consisting of 2,830 apartments, mostly two to three-bedroom units developed in three phases. But Chinachem, with unusual patience, sold the flats over different boom-a ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-17


... ia Square Tower 1)賣給卡塔爾投資局(QIA),是亞太區最高金額的單一商廈交易。新加坡商廈市場 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年06月07日


美聯商業助理營業董事彭潔儀表示,長沙灣工廈Global Gateway Tower(GGT)中層2號室,建築面 ...全文



... 田壩街的iTech Tower已於2008年投入服務,而位於葵涌打磚坪街54至56號的iTech Tower ...全文


May Tower II特色戶1.4億沽

市場消息指出,中半山May Tower II低層連平台特色戶,以約1.4億元易手,單位實用面積約2641方呎, ...全文



... 團終於選址香港銅鑼灣Tower 535,並帶來了以海鮮為主題的Seafood Room餐廳,集團更計劃在香港開 ...全文



美國芝加哥第三高摩天大樓、坐落於芝加哥市中心湖畔的Vista Tower住宅及酒店項目,由三幢高度不一的大樓組 ...全文


Stocks, lies and videotape

... tal Pearl Tower and Shanghai's Lujiazui financial district. Netizens rushed to their search engines to find the full version of the video, but the links were quickly removed. Some said the couple will ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-27

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