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LHN(01730) 須予披露的交易

LHN(01730) 香港上市規則項下的須予披露交易 - 收購RIVER VALLEY物業(539KB, pd ...全文


What should be the anchor for Hong Kong’s biotech development?

... “medicine valley”, Shanghai’s Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park houses 7 pharmaceutical companies among the global top 10. At the outset, leading enterprises were drawn there as the anchor before supporting fac ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-09


... 河谷(Fraser Valley)淘金,展館同時展出了他們淘金用的盤子。 十九世紀中,卑詩為符合加入加拿大聯邦 ...全文


加納火藥車大爆炸 萬人小鎮夷平
撞電單車引巨禍至少13死 眾多居民困瓦礫

... stea Huni-Valley市政府負責人迪莎瑪尼(Isaac Dsamani)形容,發生爆炸後,整個社區一 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年01月22日

Following the money of Hong Kong's growing fintech cluster

... w Silicon Valley flourished as investors rallied around Stanford, Xerox PARC, Sandhill Road, etc. Today, many parallels can be drawn with how Hong Kong is transforming its role in global finance. Once ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-24

區內新地標 住宅661萬入場

... 化小學(River Valley Primary School)等。 ...全文


What really matters in the Sino-American competition?

... y Silicon Valley companies have Asian founders or CEOs. With enough time and travel, technology inevitably spreads. If the US lets its fears about tech leakage shut it off from such valuable human imp ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-09

EIGHT KWAI FONG Happy Valley沽一伙

遠中集團持有的跑馬地EIGHT KWAI FONG Happy Valley售出1個單位。 美聯物業表示,單位 ...全文


龐氏大騙局 股神也中伏

... t Bancorp和Valley National Bancorp等大型銀行,還有股神旗艦巴郡,後者投資額高達 ...全文


A capital-markets union key to greening Europe

... a Silicon Valley start-up develops a good product, it has immediate access to a huge domestic market and can grow to the point where it can hold its own globally. But in Europe, that same start-up wou ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-16

EIGHT KWAI FONG Happy Valley沽一戶

遠中集團持有的跑馬地EIGHT KWAI FONG Happy Valley售出1個單位。 美聯物業表示,項目 ...全文



... ool(Happy Valley),以及荃灣大屋街2至4號地下全完堂幼稚園被納入強制檢測公告。已經完成疫苗接種 ...全文


Creating a vibrant startup ecosystem in Hong Kong

... e Silicon Valley of the United States, with the second and third place taken up by London and New York respectively. Shanghai was ranked the 8th in the world and 2nd in Asia in the past three years, a ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-11

通脹憂慮升溫 美滙微揚

... 。 Silicon Valley Bank高級分析員Minh Trang表示,紐約油價創下7年高位,市場揣測通 ...全文


EIGHT KWAI FONG Happy Valley推20伙招租 意向呎租80元

遠中集團持有的跑馬地EIGHT KWAI FONG Happy Valley首階段將推出20個單位,部分連傢俬 ...全文


英新外相卓慧思 鐵娘子傳人
崇拜戴卓爾 遇挫愈戰愈強

... 河谷(Calder Valley)選區參選國會議員,均鎩羽而歸,僅能在2006年當選倫敦格林威治選區市議會議員 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global人氣我寫2021年09月25日


... (Imperial Valley)的果園尚未出現,肥沃的土壤被烤乾,變成無法耕種的地殼。現在矗立在該地區沙漠的 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2021年09月20日

When the political levee breaks

...  Imperial Valley were still to come, their rich soils baked dry into an unplowable crust. The cities that now occupy the region’s deserts – San Diego, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Phoenix – were waterless ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-13

Clay Farm為第18區最大樓盤

... pardstown Valley站只需3分鐘;到微軟大樓One Microsoft Place附近的Centr ...全文


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