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...  Halftime Walk)及今年的《雙子任務:疊影危機》,都用每秒120格3D拍攝,可惜,內容空洞而遭影評 ...全文


Getting back to nature for better mental health

... health. A walk in a natural setting – the countryside, a park or even an outdoor sports field – could do wonders. It can be as short as 15 minutes, although it is recommended that it be done regularly ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-14

CUHK urged to show more support for arrested student protesters

... ourage to walk with the students and condemn the police for their violence. Tuan responded by saying that if police do unreasonable things, he would indeed condemn the behavior. The CUHK chief was the ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-11

文學諾獎一次頒兩屆 歐作家囊括
波蘭小說家曾受死亡威脅 奧地利得主具爭議

... 他的著名作品包括劇作Walk about the Villages、小說Repetition,並曾擔任多套電影 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年10月11日

Disruptions along the way, but is this the right direction?

... 10-minute walk to the nearest station. It's good for the health, I know, but I ended up all soaked in sweat in this warm October. But still, that's a better option than being holed up in my flat. In a ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-10

煲呔紳士 時尚時計

... 行了Bow Tie Walk紳士巡遊,來為活動打響頭炮,當天邀請了8位東方紳士,包括東方表行董事總經理楊衍傑、 ...全文



... irtue, Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch, If ...全文


網民發起維園集會 港島部分商場暫停營業

... 心和Fashion Walk,主要是基於顧客及職員的安全作首要考慮。 另外,位於中環的國際金融中心(IFC)商 ...全文


地產行程 10月6日

1100 長沙灣南昌站上蓋的匯璽II揀樓地點:港九龍深旺道28號V Walk地下G-03號店 ...全文


Carrie Lam urges public to condemn violence after night of chaos

... g many to walk home, a situation set to worsen during a holiday weekend in the city. The airport express, one of the most popular routes to the airport, re-opened with restricted service on Saturday, ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-05

Protesters go on a rampage over shooting of teenage student

...  Festival Walk in Kowloon Tong to condemn the police for firing live rounds during the Oct. 1 clashes. As night fell, more rallies were staged in several districts to condemn the shooting of the teena ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-03

Can PayPal challenge dominance of local players in China?

... usiness a walk in the park. For starters, two local players – Alipay and WeChat Pay – have been dominating the market over the past decade. China also considers payment services as a sensitive sector ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-03


... 斷有人於線上及線下(Walk-in)查詢,能否即席加入賽事。 「Freekick用戶較能理解,場波性質是出身汗 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年10月01日

地產行程 9月24日

... 水埗深旺道28號V Walk G-7號地舖 1500 恒大掃管笏全新住宅項目命名儀式地點:港島香格里拉大酒店香 ...全文


Maxim's finds itself on protesters' 'hit list'

... cluding V Walk in Sham Shui Po, after its staff allegedly allowed police to enter the Sha Tin mall to disperse and arrest protesters back in June. Malls operated by MTR Corp. were also targeted on Sun ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-23

Police fire tear gas in another weekend of clashes in HK

... anaged to walk away, dazed and bleeding from the forehead. Protesters also smashed video cameras and ticket booths in the station. Some started to trash fittings at the entrance of the mall. The prote ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-23


... 發展項目附屬商場V Walk亦受影響,雷霆表示,匯璽III現樓示範單位昨日因應情況關閉,將視乎環境再開放,但繼 ...全文


6港鐵站關閉 美心優品受狙擊

... 龍站圓方及南昌站V Walk商場不斷遊走,高呼口號及唱歌。示威者特別針對近期公開反對抗爭及被指與白衣或藍衣施襲 ...全文


優品360新城市廣場及V Walk分店暫停營業

有網民發起到沙田新城市廣場和南昌站上蓋商場V Walk「購物」。優品360(02360)表示,今日下午有市民分 ...全文


After LSE rebuff, HKEx begins investor charm offensive

...  offer or walk away. HKEx declined to comment on the deal beyond its statement on Friday that it would continue to engage with LSE shareholders and that its offer was in their best interests. LSE did ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-16

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