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復甦邁向復元 禍福同步齊至

... ventional Wisdom)」不可或缺的部分。對於前句,生活於亞熱帶的港人,有切身體會,不由你不信;後句 ...全文


An open invitation to HKSAR administration

... uggets of wisdom – all we need is to turn towards the a ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightA Hong Konger2021年05月11日

An open invitation to HKSAR administration

... uggets of wisdom – all we need is to turn towards the administration, and its heavy-handed rhetorical emphasis on combating inequality over the recent weeks. Yet talk is always easier than action – by ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-10


... 成婆」,熬出來的還有wisdom of the ages。市場人士若不聽耶倫言,恐會吃虧在眼前。   (編者按 ...全文


中環Wisdom Centre全幢放售

美聯商業表示,中環Wisdom Centre全幢放售,物業樓高26樓,面積約23889方呎,售價面議。 該行指 ...全文


Nolite te bastardes carborundorum

... of pseudo-wisdom to my 17 year-old self, I'd say this: ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年03月27日

Nolite te bastardes carborundorum

... of pseudo-wisdom to my 17 year-old self, I’d say this: Brian, the onus is not on you to placate, to please, to force yourself in assimilating into a world that is hostile and unfavourable to your cont ...More

EJ Insight2021-03-24

人到中年 職場轉型四大方向

... p Conley 在Wisdom at Work一書倡議,工作不只是趕上最新的科技與知識。人到中年的職場人士應 ...全文



... 準備。根據由The Wisdom Council牽頭的YES SHE CAN計劃(滙豐投資管理為計劃夥伴之一) ...全文



... 準備。根據由The Wisdom Council牽頭的YES SHE CAN計劃(滙豐投資管理為計劃夥伴之一) ...全文


China says “patriotism” in Hong Kong means loving the party

... ng showed wisdom in deciding not to politicize Hong Kong. If Hong Kong is to remain an international financial center, it is important that the global financial services community has confidence in th ...More

EJ Insight2021-03-04

China says "patriotism" in Hong Kong means loving the party

... ng showed wisdom in deciding not to politicize Hong Kon ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightFrank Ching2021年03月04日


... 映了市場的群眾智慧(wisdom of crowds),因此具有一定程度的前瞻性,也不斷為未來折現(price ...全文


Reflections on a plague year

... ventional wisdom would have us believe. Fourth, the COVID-19 crisis has shown that governments can spend a lot more money without upsetting markets than most people thought. Although high and increasi ...More

EJ Insight2021-02-11

Why David Perry?

... alculable wisdom and learning. The Perry QC judgment suggests that the court was readily persuaded that the projected prosecution would be extremely complex and would be citing cases from other common ...More

EJ Insight2021-02-01

A leadership vacuum

... e wit and wisdom to listen to the hopes and fears of the vast majority of the electorate, an evolutionary path to fair representation could have been charted. But neither the current incumbents nor th ...More

EJ Insight2021-01-01

In 2021, reconciliation over Taiwan Strait, please

... aditional wisdom of Chinese thinking,” he said. It should not be a binary issue of “either me or you”, he said. The current policy denies the sense of Chineseness among Taiwan people. Chen’s article r ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-28

HK startups need a more coherent, radical subsidies policy

... ights and wisdom of the 'senior management' of HKSTP be ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightJustin Lau2020年11月27日

HK startups need a more coherent, radical subsidies policy

... ights and wisdom of the ‘senior management’ of HKSTP be replicated by their younger successors, remains a largely unknown delta. Unlike the public-private partnerships (albeit public-led at their core ...More

EJ Insight2020-11-25


... , War and Wisdom已說過,投資市場永遠領先實體經濟。二戰在1945年結束,但美股早於1942年見 ...全文


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