
共 346 個結果
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An open letter to the Chief Executive

... ckle with wisdom and efficacy. However, there is little room for administrative policies to be implemented successfully when there is deep distrust between the people and the government. That is why, ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-14

深水埗汝州街舊樓 全幢1.05億易手

... 環荷李活道37號C Wisdom Centre全幢商廈,獲買家出價3.8億元洽購,已接近尾聲。該商廈高24層, ...全文



... e show of wisdom without the reality. 我將Benjamin Jowett ...全文


Rioters or freedom fighters?

... h had the wisdom to grant independence. The late US President Lyndon Johnson knew racial segregation was morally wrong, which gave him the courage to push through equal rights laws. When much of the W ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-07

Rioters or freedom fighters?

... h had the wisdom to grant independence. The late US Pre ...全文

今日信報時事評論STRAIGHT-SHOOTING褚簡寧 Michael Chugani2019年11月07日

So when will MTR resume normal service hours?

... oubts the wisdom of MTR closing its services early every night at the expense of the public interest. As a matter of fact, an MTR insider agreed that Tien may have a point, adding that the company man ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-04


... 樹的智慧》(The Wisdom of Trees),闡述了樹木是大自然的瑰寶,不僅是地球的肺,更提供庇護、醫 ...全文


Four collision courses for the global economy

... ventional wisdom is that a “hard” Brexit would lead to a severe recession in the United Kingdom but not in Europe, because the UK is more reliant on trade with the EU than vice versa. This is naive. T ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-25

How the protest movement can promote community networks

Hong Kong's protest campaign has been a “leaderless” as well as “bottom-up” social movement that has turned conventional political wisdom on its head. The movement is having profound and far-reaching ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-24

What Fanny Law should learn about the youth from our tycoons

... se men of wisdom are showing our city's youth that they care. – Contact us at [email protected] CG (Updated: last posted at 1:07 p.m.) ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-10


... the great wisdom of Mao Zedong.」犀利! 三.「君子報仇,十年不晚。」 英文版中 ...全文


Why we are against class boycotts and strikes

... ollective wisdom to prevent our family from being torn asunder? This article appeared in the Hong Kong Economic Journal on Aug 30 Translation by Alan Lee with additional reporting [Chinese version 中文版 ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-02

Why government should drop expansion plans for Disneyland

... about the wisdom of pursuing the initiative given that the amusement park has been unable to attain long-term profitability. In my view, since the park’s profit outlook is anything but promising, the ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-28

China: Is ‘Asia for Asians’ security strategy working?

... ility and wisdom to achieve peace and stability in the region through enhanced cooperation.” President Xi made his proposal at a meeting of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measur ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-26

Chinese intervention in HK would be a 'catastrophe': Patten

... l see the wisdom of trying to bring people together, Reuters reports. It will be counter-productive for China to warn of “other methods” if the Hong Kong protests do not stop, he said. “That would be ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-13

We need a new set of epoch-making political language

... ventional wisdom on its head. For example, we didn’t know until now that junior police officerscould have a bigger say than the chief secretary. Also, it wasn’t until very recently that we realized th ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-12


美國精神健康專家Therese J. Borchard在她的專欄中,提到Eastern Wisdom for ...全文


Britain's new leader Johnson: 'We are going to get Brexit done'

... stion the wisdom of your decision – and there may be some people here who still wonder what they have done,” he said. – Contact us at [email protected] CG ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-24

ARK Trust持股大增 小米:非派發股份

... st的客戶名單,其中WISDOM BLOOM INTERNATIONAL LIMITED為小米聯合創辦人王川及 ...全文


武力搗亂事不妙 認錯不改火加油

... ventional Wisdom〉),就道歉是否有效作實證研究。「傳統智慧」認為,公眾人物(其實是任何人)「知 ...全文


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