
共 346 個結果
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Ukraine:Will Beijing display ‘Chinese wisdom’ to help end war?

...  “Chinese wisdom” to bear to help solve problems facing mankind and to “keep contributing Chinese wisdom and strength to global governance.” Now is the time to apply such wisdom. Other countries look ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-08

股市沒心沒肺 且聽淡友真言

... , War and Wisdom,Carlson抽取了書中這段話與讀者分享: 「1942年,德國令人聞風喪膽的 ...全文


Fighting the last inflation war

... ve offers wisdom derived from a wider variety of circumstances. Copyright: Project Syndicate-- Contact us at [email protected] ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-25

Boosting fun in countryside with 3D maps

... onastery, Wisdom Path, and the scenery overlooking Ngong Ping and the Hong Kong- Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. Compared with the previous 2D maps of hiking trails, the 3D maps are clearer and more vivid. The d ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-21

Submerged by COVID

... oubts the wisdom of borrowing to respond to a public-health emergency and economic crisis, these heavy debts pose management problems. Scarce fiscal resources that might otherwise be devoted to health ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-04

瑪利曼中學 賦予學生自主權

... rance(堅毅)和Wisdom(睿智)。 「今年是Year of Compassion,有別於以往邀請嘉賓分 ...全文


Deference is not a gift

... ventional wisdom is another. It is imperative that we d ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年11月26日

Deference is not a gift

... ventional wisdom is another. It is imperative that we do not slip into the dangerous habit of appealing to authority – especially when authority in the sphere of knowledge should, and has always been, ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-25


... n Ancient Wisdom)裏面,就曾經演繹到:人的心理就好像一個騎象人騎着一頭大象,騎象人代表理性,大 ...全文



... 是有智慧,是gut wisdom(腸智慧)。 腸道與身體其他器官不同的是,它可以獨立運作,有數百萬神經元,不需 ...全文


Miscarriage of Justice

... about the wisdom of continuing with the trial and at the close of the Prosecution’s case said that he was thinking of withdrawing it from the jury but the prosecution carried on, regardless. After Ma ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-17

On dirty hands

... ventional wisdom – specifically, those who adhere to We ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightA Hongkonger2021年08月17日

On dirty hands

... ventional wisdom – specifically, those who adhere to Weber’s ethics of responsibility – would argue that it is justified, for there exist no alternatives. To get things done, to get outcomes through, ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-13

聖公會林護紀念中學 多項獎學金支援學生實現夢想

... sty,謙遜)、W(Wisdom,智慧)、O(Optimism,樂觀)、O(Originality,創意)、E ...全文


Racial purity and success

... ufficient wisdom and vision will recognise that we are all mongrels of one sort or another and sanguinary ethnicity is a poor criterion when we seek quality. -- Contact us at [email protected] ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-09

杜惠愷4.3億買中環C Wisdom Centre

... 中環全幢迷你商廈C Wisdom Centre,則由新世界發展(00017)非執行董事杜惠愷【圖】及有關人士購 ...全文



... practical wisdom)。 亞里士多德比孔子「貼地」。他指出,只有高尚的品格並不足夠,人還需要「衣食 ...全文


Hong Kong people cherish traditional characters

... aditions, wisdom and customs. By every measure, traditional characters embody and express these better than simplified ones. The 2,250 simplified characters used in the mainland since the 1950s were t ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-21

中環C Wisdom Centre 全幢4.3億易主

市場資金充裕,中環C Wisdom Centre全幢迷你商廈以約4.3億元易手,呎價約1.8萬元,原業主持貨兩 ...全文



... —Timeless wisdom in a changing world〉。「仁」,是耶穌會在香港教育立下的百 ...全文


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