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... 達主演的《林肯傳》(Young Mr. Lincoln, 1939)。電影改編真人真事:林肯直至15歲只受過1 ...全文



...  minds of young people? 隨喜,讓大家都為好事喝采,凝聚人心。 生活、文化,是關鍵,搶人 ...全文


JetBlue取消與Spirit Airlines合併

... 法官William Young在1月以消費者利益受損為由,禁止兩間航空公司合併計劃,兩間公司當時表明將提出上訴 ...全文



...  minds of young people)」。 ...全文


Does threat of conflict over Taiwan worsen after DPP victory?

... ular with young people. Liang Kuo-chiang, a high school ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2024年02月29日

「韓特估」計劃乏細節 股市低收

... 副主席Kim So-young說當局正在討論,但沒有詳細說明。而且,新計劃缺乏執行力度,當局呼籲企業「自動自覺 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2024年02月27日

Does threat of conflict over Taiwan worsen after DPP victory?

... ular with young people.Liang Kuo-chiang, a high school student going to university this year, said: “I plan to study French and German and become a flight attendant for Emirates Airlines. After I grad ...More

EJ Insight2024-02-26

Status Anxiety and Norm Defiance

... sing with young, budding talents, I have come to see – first hand – the virtues and limits in how we are raising our next generations. And I would submit that the problem lies primarily not with the u ...More

EJ Insight2024-02-23


一名53歲韓國籍女子Kim Hae Young周一晚在機場最後露面後失蹤,警方昨日凌晨接獲報案,該女子今日凌晨 ...全文


What can individuals do in the age of geopolitics?

... t for the young audience in attendance, but also for the general public at large. I set myself the challenge of answering the following question – in an age when geopolitical conflict and civil strife ...More

EJ Insight2024-02-05

How to encourage highly educated seniors return to workforce

...  of them, young elderly (60-69 years old) in particular. The Ministry of Education's National Silver-Age Teacher Action Plan (‘the Programme”) is one of the measures. Same as Hong Kong, the mainland e ...More

EJ Insight2024-02-05


... 法官William Young寫道捷藍航空和Spirit合併將改造航空布局,向客戶收取更高的平均票價,「取消S ...全文


From shoes to semi-conductors, Taiwan’s transformation

... land; the young boy walked barefoot to school. He went on to graduate from the law department of National Taiwan University. He won the 2000 election with 39 per cent of the votes, the first DPP candi ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-29


... illiam G. Young)周二(16日)在判詞中表示,支持聯邦政府的看法,指兩公司的合併,將會令境內主要 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2024年01月18日

Choosing Lai Ching-te, Taiwan electors reject Beijing

... y for the young people who cannot afford their own homes in the big cities and a shortage of cheap housing. Last year Taiwan’s GDP grew by 1.42 per cent. Its trade surplus rose 56.9 per cent to a reco ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-16

讚儲局幣策得宜 料對股市帶來支持

... (Shalanda Young)上周五說,對白宮和國會就邊境安全和政府開支水平達成協議,並避免美國政府本月稍後 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global本周美股前瞻2024年01月08日


美國白宮預算辦公室主任揚格(Shalanda Young)稱,對民主共和兩黨的政府開支談判前景不感到樂觀,意味 ...全文


DPP to win presidency, Taiwan moves further from China

... sible for young people to buy apartments in major cities, shortage of public housing, income inequality and worsening trade and other ties with China. Hou said that a vote for the DPP would lead to a ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-04

DPP to win presidency, Taiwan moves further from China

... sible for young people to buy apartments in major citie ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2024年01月04日

滙控法巴無貨沽空 南韓擬各罰6100萬

... 副主席Kim So-young領導的5人委員會,在周三(20日)開會討論罰款問題,但未能得出結論,將再召開會議 ...全文


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