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OMA by the Sea花園複式戶2680萬售出

永泰地產(00369)旗下屯門青山公路大欖段OMA by the Sea,今天以招標形式售出第二座2樓複式C單 ...全文


VACHERON CONSTANTIN Art of Watchmaking 技藝之巔

一個頂級製錶品牌,永遠都追求空前成就。近日,江詩丹頓再次釐定製錶工藝新標準: 品牌推出世界上首枚可精準運行至2200年的中國曆法萬年曆時計,匯聚63項鐘錶複雜功能的創新傑作 Les Cabinotiers -The Berkley Grand Complication,創下世界紀錄。江詩丹頓,再次創造非凡傳奇。 TEXT BY LAWRENCE YU PHOTO BY VACHERON CONST ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-12

光榮的告別 專訪SEVVA創辦人Bonnae Gokson

2008年,由郭志怡(Bonnae Gokson)主理的SEVVA於太子大廈頂樓開業。由成長到工作煉就的品味盡體現於這餐廳之內,不費吹灰之力就成為talk of the town。2023年年底,Bonnae宣布SEVVA不獲業主續約,將於今年4月告別,連續在社交媒體洗版數天。SEVVA陪伴香港走過16年,如今告別,郭小姐大方祝福新來者的同時,也跟我們分享了種種難忘回憶。 TEXT BY JOYC ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-12

Germany fears white ships bringing Chinese EVs

... sels used BYD to transport its electric cars to Europe. The first, BYD Explorer No 1, left Shenzhen for Europe in January carrying 7,000 vehicles. It is the first auto carrier built in a Chinese yard ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-11

The urgent need for reforms to sex education in Hong Kong

Nearly one in every four university students (23%) in Hong Kong has been sexually harassed, according to a 2019 report published by the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC). A 2019 study found that lo ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-11

North Korea could be a different country

... e managed by foreigners and governed under a system of ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2024年04月11日

STEAM should be linked to real life

... plemented by Singapore, which has repeatedly performed well in international assessments such as PISA. This is worthy of our reference. I am particularly interested in the country’s emphasis on ensuri ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-08

North Korea could be a different country

... e managed by foreigners and governed under a system of “one country, two systems”, like Hong Kong and Macao. The North Korean government quickly passed a law allowing this. On September 23 2002, Kim a ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-05

Vision Pro新增空間角色功能

... 有排排企(Side-by-Side)、圍圈(Surround)及隨意聊天(Conversational)3種站 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞EJ Tech 創科鬥室2024年04月04日


... eculation by media),現階段沒有任何宣布。 今年目標派息比率維持50% 滙控行政總裁祈耀年 ...全文



... ot judged by our intentions but our actions. 'By your d ...全文


Russia increasingly resembles North Korea

...  hardened by years of war, a famous guerrilla leader of that name. Instead a plump man with a full head of hair stepped forward. The crowd could never have imagined that this man would rule them for t ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-02

Let trees speak for themselves

... ndertaken by eight core government departments managing from 1.4 million to 1.7 million trees, of which one million are in heavy-trafficked locations. The number is so huge and the governance needs to ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-02

Adyen與PayMe合作 擴大在港客戶群

支付平台Adyen宣布與滙豐旗下電子錢包PayMe by HSBC合作,成為其收單機構(acquirer)。透 ...全文


永旺虧損縮至1.9億 港收益跌

... ing PLAZA by AEON、Daiso Japan、Mono Mono和KOMEDA'S Coffee ...全文


Does Hong Kong have the right not to enact article 23 laws?

...  are told by the government that the NSL did not change the Basic Law. Thus, “the selection of the Chief Executive by universal suffrage” remains the ultimate aim, as stated in article 45, as well as ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-27

Shanghai Ballet’s A Sigh of Love

... ently led by Xin Lili, is not however as well-known as the Beijing-based National Ballet of China which just performed here in January. The work that the Shanghai company brought to Hong Kong this tim ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-27

收益股陷阱處處 突削派息嚇冧價

... 東部商場Swing By @ Thomson Plaza,成功分散投資,在中港經濟陰霾下,新加坡風光獨好。 然 ...全文


Privacy concerns about electronic medical record sharing

...  uploaded by private medical institutions accounts for less than 0.5% of all data on the platform. In other words, more than 99% of the information on eHealth comes from public healthcare facilities ( ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-25

精緻現代法菜 重現烤雞之王

... he Blooms by ÉPURE」,場地由時尚界風雲人物Joyce Ma愛孫Natalya J. Ho主理 ...全文


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