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... 及所有批次,進口商為City Super Limited。 中心發言人表示,透過恒常監察食物事故系統,得悉法國 ...全文


Youth suicide: When every death becomes a mere statistic

It would be no understatement to say that our city is in the midst of a serious mental health crisis. Suicide numbers amongst the youth of this city have almost doubled in less than a decade, to a rec ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-19

在COP28 城市為我們展示方向

... 松市(Quezon City)便創建了一個可持續城市花園和農場網絡,解決了居民的食品安全問題,並減少了傳統農業 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2023年12月13日


... ntry or a city ?......Or is home this house or that? We ...全文


紐油半載低 續考驗69美元
OPEC+自願減產 市場質疑成效

... 加劇了周三油價跌勢,City Index分析員Fawad Razaqzada表示,當愈來愈多支持位失守,觸發更 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年12月08日

特首指增進與沙特聯繫 強化港優勢

... 都市(global city)」,不單是金融樞紐,亦是創新中心。 他稱,香港鄰近內地和亞洲其他市場,亞洲貢獻全 ...全文


Smart buildings will be the fabric of the Greater Bay Area

...  cohesive city cluster that promotes the free flow of talent, logistics, capital, and other elements within the region. The results of these efforts will be visible on a vast scale. The GDP of the GBA ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-06

What is there to love about Hong Kong?

These days, it’s trendy to talk down Hong Kong. After all, who doesn’t enjoy trashing a city that has seen, in the span of four to five years, unprecedented political turmoil, a pandemic that has left ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-05


近月愈來愈多品牌進駐啟德AIRSIDE,包括city'super第5間分店。 這次新分店搜羅了二澳、樹記、廖孖 ...全文


What our youth need today

... o the capacity to pursue careers that can generate a genuine sense of satisfaction and social mobility. Our youth are anxious not only about the earnings and incomes they are due to make, but also whe ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-30

The rage of the outsiders

... he “woke” city slickers, or the “people from nowhere.” But it was mostly just rhetoric, and conservative parties simply carried on serving the interests of rich people and big business. This only fed ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-30

YOHO WEST收飛破萬 擬日內加推

... 鼎珮管理、Twin City持有的長沙灣睿峰,鼎珮董事總經理陳玉成說,睿峰自開售以來累售318伙,套現近33億 ...全文



鼎珮管理、Twin City持有的長沙灣睿峰,美聯物業決定加碼送贈置業優惠,總值5.64萬元。 美聯物業表示, ...全文


天水圍YOHO WEST 今收票料周末加推

... 鼎珮管理、Twin City持有的長沙灣睿峰銷售部署,利嘉閣地產推出「專才置業大優惠」。由即日起至12月15日 ...全文



鼎珮管理、Twin City持有的長沙灣睿峰,利嘉閣地產推出全新的「專才置業大優惠」,由即日起至今年12月15 ...全文


After seven years away, Cameron’s appointment shocks Britain

... hern port city of Odesa, a regular target of Russian air strikes. He stressed London's continued support for Ukraine, now in its 21st month of war with Russia and with no end in sight. "What I want to ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-20

A rebalancing between city, suburbs and countryside

... d usually city centre-based) workplace and instead empowering them to work in the heart of their local community. For generations, the city has been at the epicentre of people’s lives. Its pull has em ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-20


鼎珮管理、Twin City持有的長沙灣睿峰,美聯物業為配合發展商新一輪銷售攻勢,推出全新置業優惠,由即日起至 ...全文


Macau hands out cash to everyone

... he casino city saw a strong rebound of 71.5 per cent in GDP after the reopening early this year. But reading the Macau media commentary, it is not difficult to gauge that they are still not happy. One ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-15


... 克記者在地標獨立書店City Lights Bookstore外拍攝,肇事地點距離三藩市市中心的APEC會場約 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年11月15日

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