
共 3000 個結果
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What Hong Kong can learn from Hangzhou in Night Bazaar?

It is a night to remember on this National Day not just because of the fireworks display not seen in five years that gathered over 430,000 people along Victoria Harbour, but also because the Hong Kong ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-04

WING ON CO(00289) 翌日披露報表 - [其他]

WING ON CO(00289) 翌日披露報表(122KB, pdf) ...全文



對沖基金橋水創辦人達里奧(Ray Dalio)認為,中美兩國關係處於紅線邊緣(on the brink of ...全文


How to encourage fertility

...  is a common problem in wealthy parts of the world, with Hong Kong's 0.7% last year, as well as neighbouring regions such as Japan, South Korea, the Mainland, the United States and even Finland, which ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-03

WANG ON GROUP(01222) 月報表

WANG ON GROUP(01222) 截至二零二三年九月三十日之股份發行人的證券變動月報表(128KB, ...全文


WING ON CO(00289) 月報表

WING ON CO(00289) 截至2023年9月30日之股份發行人的證券變動月報表(129KB, pdf ...全文


Not Destined for War

The great-power competition between the United States and China is a defining feature of the first part of this century, but there is little agreement on how it should be characterized. Some call it a ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-02

Contempt for Justice

On 5 September 2022 armed police boxed in Chris Kaba, an unarmed man driving his Audi in South London, and then killed him with one shot through his car windscreen. Other than these cursory details, t ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-02

Applying Chinese wisdom To resolve the Taiwan issue

From one standpoint, Taiwan, an island 2,000 kilometers off the China coast, is insignificant, recognized as a sovereign state by a mere 12 countries. Most of the 193 member states of the United Natio ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-02


... 克影響,薄伽丘編著了On the Genealogy of the Gods of the Gentiles, ...全文



... e Washington University法學院,聽有關創新科技的座談會「Into the Unknown ...全文


Europe should de-risk from China, but not disengage

The most prominent European businessman in China says that Europe should "de-risk" from China but not disengage. "If you refuse to sit at the table with China, then you will be on the menu." Joerg Wut ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-28

Would Redhill Peninsula be in red?

How much discount would one need to apply for cashing out the troubled Redhill Peninsula? Most of the owners of the luxury property under the spotlight for its illegal structural scandal after the rec ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-28

WANG ON GROUP(01222) 展示文件

WANG ON GROUP(01222) 買賣協議II(3MB, pdf) ...全文


WANG ON GROUP(01222) 展示文件

WANG ON GROUP(01222) 買賣協議 I(12MB, pdf) ...全文


WANG ON GROUP(01222) 通函 - [其他]

WANG ON GROUP(01222) 致非註冊持有人之函件及申請表格(302KB, pdf) ...全文


WANG ON GROUP(01222) 通函 - [其他]

WANG ON GROUP(01222) 致新註冊股東之函件及回條 - 選擇公司通訊之收取方式及語言版本(33 ...全文


WANG ON GROUP(01222) 通函 - [其他]

WANG ON GROUP(01222) 致現有註冊股東之函件及變更申請表格(312KB, pdf) ...全文


WANG ON GROUP(01222) 通函 - [關連交易]

WANG ON GROUP(01222) (1) 有關買賣持有該等物業權益的目標公司之須予披露及關連交易及(2 ...全文


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