
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 ...150

超低息加QE 聯儲局種禍

... Lehman Brothers)於同年9月倒下。介入應對金融海嘯過程的每一步,聯儲局以為一切盡在掌握,包括認為 ...全文

今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2023年03月10日

港鐵去年多賺3% 賣樓豐收
車務續虧 通關後客流返疫前九成

... 鐵新商場,包括大圍「The Wai圍方」及黃竹坑「THE SOUTHSIDE」,預計將分別於今年夏季及第四季開 ...全文


美元回勇掀走資 新興股市壓力增

... 在內的「全部數據」(the totality of the data)。市場估計若今日(10日)揭盅的2月非農 ...全文


奧斯卡 回顧與前瞻

... 女配角,她在《鯨》(The Whale)中飾演外剛內柔、背負沉重包袱的看護Liz,其演出豐富細膩,大獲好評。 ...全文


港鐵去年多賺2.9% 息0.89元

... 利潤初步入賬,以及「THE SOUTHSIDE」商場的入賬將視乎施工及售樓進度而定。視乎市場情況而定,該公司預 ...全文


太古去年多賺25% 全年派息增15%

... EET住宅項目及越南The River住宅項目錄得溢利。去年來自物業投資的經常性基本溢利下降,反映來自香港的辦 ...全文


AI and the global south

Recent months may well be remembered as the moment when predictive artificial intelligence went mainstream. While prediction algorithms have been in use for decades, the release of applications such a ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-09

The algorithm society and its discontents

In my view, the most profound and insightful work of political economy written in the 2010s was neither a journal article nor a monograph nor a book in the traditional sense. Rather, it was an online ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-09

Could Britain rejoin the European Union?

Could Britain rejoin the European Union? People are now posing this unthinkable question after several polls found a majority of British people saying that the Brexit vote in 2016 was a mistake and th ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-09

以軍西岸難民營搜捕 6巴人死

... 難民營的傑寧敢死隊(The Jenin Brigade)在Telegram表示,旗下槍手與以色列部隊發生暴力衝 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年03月09日

土炮人才 貢獻香港

... 第八屆東區青藤計劃(The E-League)的畢業典禮暨成果滙報。本屆計劃有23位來自19所中學的學生,經選 ...全文



... f you ask them at the moment, they're going to be for [ ...全文


Could Britain rejoin the European Union?

Could Britain rejoin the European Union? People are now ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年03月09日


... 源自英語Throw the baby out with the bathwater,意思是,在試圖擺脫「不想要 ...全文


How would women have more babies?

Salute to all women, especially mothers! Today is a day to remember their reproductive rights, especially in a kid-unfriendly city like Hong Kong. Thanks to the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions, w ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-08

The culture-war trap

The United States is in the midst of a book-banning frenzy. According to PEN America, 1,648 books were prohibited in public schools across the country between July 2021 and June 2022. That number is e ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-08

Evidence for equity

“What gets measured gets done.” It is a well-worn maxim, attributed to everyone from management guru Peter Drucker to physicist Lord Kelvin. Regardless of who said it first, the point is a crucial one ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-08


... 2023). Is the Quantity Theory Dead? Lessons from the Pa ...全文


杜魯多委獨立專員負責 北京批子虛烏有

... 加拿大《環球郵報》(The Globe and Mail)上月刊登多篇報道,引述加拿大國家安全情報局(CSIS ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年03月08日


...  在新書《大神話》(The Big Myth)中,Naomi Oreskes和Erik M. Conway展示 ...全文

今日信報時事評論Joseph E. Stiglitz2023年03月08日

頁數:1...137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 ...150

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