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上海專訪dunhill舵手Simon Holloway~Reimagining British Classics

... Details》和《Interview Magazine》,所以我對時尚世界充滿了嚮往。」Holloway說起他的時尚起點:「大約14歲時,我和父親一起去紐約出差,我和哥哥每人可以去一個地方。我哥哥選了一個典型的旅遊景點,例如時代廣場,而我想去麥迪遜大道上的Ralph Lauren專賣店,那家店 叫『豪宅』,真的很神奇,因為你走進去,感覺就像來到了另一個世界。我覺得那真的很奇妙。」 其後Simon ...More

EJ Insight2024-07-05

A Britain Struggling to stay One Step Ahead

...  MP in an interview a few days ago, the “dishonest and incompetent buffoon” started the Conservative’s four-and-half-year-long losing election campaign to culminate in an expected wipe-out next week. ...More

EJ Insight2024-06-25

為愛馬仕櫥窗 注入盎然春意與趣味

... 法背後的種種故事。 INTERVIEW BY JOYCE MOK & CHRISTOPHER LAI, TEXT BY CHRISTOPHER LAI PHOTO BY HERMÈS 分別於1978年和1980年在法國出生的藝術家Alexandre Lamarche和Florentine Ovize,在3月初特別飛到香港製作和參與櫥窗設計。混合各種零碎的風格和元素,將藝術與手工藝共冶一爐的 ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-19

Justice for street vendors

... ar, in an interview in 2022 conducted by my organization, WIEGO (Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing). “All I want is to be able to work and make a living,” added the man, who ask ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-17

恒生施穎茵自爆 無心插柳考入銀行

... 工,在等待期間獲邀請interview,還得到第二輪面試機會,不小心拿走了朋友本來要應聘的工作。」 今年峰會的 ...全文



... 退場面談(exit interview),查找人才離港的原因、在港面對的困難等,亦可藉此對離開香港的頂尖人才保 ...全文


黑客勒索Sony不遂 揚言今爆料

... 殺金正恩》(The Interview)放映。 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞EJ Tech 創科鬥室2023年09月28日

What Lan Kwai Fong father says about nightlife economy

... n a video interview with New People’s Party legislator Adrian Ho King-hong, the father of Lan Kwai Fong wasted no time saying we should all get used to the new paradigm shift because the consumption p ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-23

Kundera on Kitsch, Kitsch on 2023

... ork Times interview with the gentleman in 1985 by Olga Carlisle described Kundera as having “brought Eastern Europe to the attention of the Western reading public, and he has done so with insights tha ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-21

China U.S. relations: Is it possible to stop the slide?

... aid in an interview program last week, before the formal announcement of her trip. “There are a new group of leaders, we need to get to know one another.” She said the two countries “need to discuss o ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-06

Paul Chow we miss

I cannot say I know former Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Chief Executive Paul Chow Man-yiu well. In fact, I could not recall if I ever had an interview or a story about him. But I attended his annu ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-14

China education a mismatch for job market

... y went to interview the couple a few days later – they admitted that, on most days, their sales were a third or less of the figure given in the CCTV interview. CCTV has shown profiles of others it say ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-22

Xi's first call to Ukraine a step forward, but will not bring pe

... ll was an interview given by Lu Shaye, China's ambassad ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O'Neill2023年05月08日

Xi’s first call to Ukraine will not bring peace

... ll was an interview given by Lu Shaye, China’s ambassador to France, on April 21 to a French television station. He refused to say that Crimea belongs to Ukraine – as it does according to internationa ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-04

Talent development takes years, so we should start now

... ent media interview that there are two types of talents science and technology needs. The one the Hong Kong government recruiting around the world can be compared to "flower arrangement". In addition ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-28

Hong Kong needs a new approach to talent

... d even in interview candidates). Recognising employees’ hidden strengths allows firms to match up existing workers with upcoming positions, thus offering credible pathways for career development. Fort ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-27

Hong Kong Ballet premieres Coco Chanel

... gue in an interview is played. The whole Hong Kong Ballet company danced admirably. Yang Ruiqi danced magnificently the title role. Garry Corpuz was excellent as Boy Capel, while Henry Seldon impresse ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-27

室內設計新星蔡子虹 讓食客當主角
盛宴融入美學 自立門戶攻高級餐飲項目

... (友善),叫我聽日去interview(面試)」,結果Nichole如願入職SLD Group,當時公司新成立 ...全文


中菜館唐述成名作 糅合異域風情

... 項目上心的李氏夫婦,interview(面試)之餘也intervene(介入),「佢哋嘅comment(評語) ...全文



... 22). Exit Interview: WD-40's Garry Ridge On Why 'A High ...全文


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