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... 行(Federal Reserve Bank of New York)前行長達德利(Bill Dudley), ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2024年05月30日

WATCHES & WONDERS 2024︰Bremont全新姿態

... zel Power Reserve Terra Nova 40.5 Turning Bezel Power Reserve帶方向錶圈,是20世紀早期軍用懷錶與中世紀酒桶形錶殼以及超大錶盤文字和品牌的奇異組合。配上具軍事風格的指南針錶圈,所有功能均全憑一枚可靠的Sellita機芯。整體觀感,尚算不俗吧。 Supermarine 300m Supermarines繼承了一系列有吸引力但保守的潛水錶外 ...More

EJ Insight2024-05-30

德林控股(01709) 關連交易

德林控股(01709) 關連交易 有關CARMEL RESERVE LLC債權投資(567KB, pdf) ...全文


蘇格蘭East Kilbride增住屋迎外來人口
移英「冷」選 田園氣息濃 設施續提升

... al Nature Reserve設有高球場,區內大大小小的公園有10多個,步出家門便可輕易投入大自然懷抱。 ...全文


The Fed’s remarkable feat

... e Federal Reserve early in 1970, he lowered the federal funds rate from above 9% to 4.5% by the end of the year. That turned out to be one of the major economic policy mistakes that gave us the inflat ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-09


... f Federal reserve banks, to furnish an elastic currency ...全文



... e federal reserve's balance sheet. Journal of Economic ...全文


Higher interest rates are here to stay

... S Federal Reserve write off government debt after soaking it up through quantitative easing, a seemingly simple solution to any potential sovereign-debt problem. But this approach assumed that even if ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-06

Fed Balance sheet run-off will likely end in second half of 2024

... troy bank reserves and deposits. The impact from QT on bank reserves is not always immediately visible. Two important items on the Fed balance sheet liability side are important: (1) The Treasury Gene ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-30

Did the Fed rein in inflation?

... S Federal Reserve and President Joe Biden’s administration should get credit for America’s relatively painless bout with inflation, regardless of whether their past policies helped create it. But do t ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-21

A victory lap for the transitory inflation team

... S Federal Reserve play in all this? Given that its interest-rate hikes did not help resolve the chip shortages, it cannot take any credit for the disinflation in car prices. Worse, the rate hikes prob ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-15

Can U.S. avoid a recession this time?

Over the past 18 months, the Federal Reserve (Fed) has raised rates by 525 basis points (bps), its biggest tightening of monetary policy since 1981. Long-term bond yields have also soared. All but two ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-10


... e Federal Reserve System, February 18, 2022 美國維珍尼亞理工大學經 ...全文


China’s great leap backward

... ng banks’ reserve requirements, and raising homeowners’ loan-to-value ratios. It followed a similar strategy in 2010-11. Between these two episodes of economic overheating, monetary and macro-prudenti ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-27

Fixing global economic governance

... ents has preserved neocolonial trade patterns, with developing countries stuck producing mostly primary commodities, while developed countries dominate the high-value-added links in the global product ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-26

KOKO RESERVE首錄撻大訂 料遭沒收211萬

會德豐旗下觀塘藍田站KOKO HILLS發展項目2期KOKO RESERVE,錄得首宗撻大訂個案。 據成交紀錄 ...全文



... 40元。 KOKO RESERVE首宗成交撻訂 原本由高銀金融(00530)前主席潘蘇通私人持有的何文田傲玟已 ...全文



... e Federal Reserve中提到一件趣事:他在美國財政部演講宣傳此書,演講後有一個西裝筆挺的青年上前打 ...全文


Chiswick Green分層擁開揚景

... al Nature Reserve,佔地2.57公頃,有池塘、草地及多種不同種類的植物和樹木,並有鳥類、昆蟲和 ...全文



... ontingent Reserve Arrangement)的發展進度。雖然「新發展銀行」已審批共328億美元 ...全文


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