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下星期四為美國感恩節(Thanksgiving),業內人士預期今年將有近8000萬人次透過不同方式出行,創新高 ...全文



... 累計升幅逾一成半,由Thanksgiving升到Boxing day,相反港股就由年初跌到年尾,低處未算低,自 ...全文


神召會麥嘉倫紀念幼稚園 攀石牆鍛煉體能 七彩鋼琴教環保

... 校長特在學校門口增設Thanksgiving Wall,張貼學生、家長送給校長和老師的心意卡,為團隊注入正能量 ...全文


2022: Making the year of tiger a roaring success for payments

... riod from Thanksgiving to Cyber Monday last year, online sales in the US were projected to total about $39 billion USD. In 2021, Chinese retail sales during the Lunar New Year totaled over $129 billio ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-15


... 詹姆士一世立感恩法(Thanksgiving Act),紀念11月5日Guy Fawkes被繩之於法,英國皇室 ...全文



... 月26日「感恩節」(Thanksgiving Day,源自北美農民慶祝豐收)及翌日「黑色星期五」(由shop. ...全文


短線似炒過龍 年底執倉好日

... 繼續炒上;之前講過的Thanksgiving Rally已經兌現,不過同時有不少股民開始憧憬,可否再來多個Ch ...全文



新冠肺炎於美國肆虐,有超過90年歷史的梅西感恩節大遊行(Macy's Thanksgiving Day Par ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年11月27日

Celebrating for Thanksgiving 2020

Every year we celebrate Thanksgiving a month before Christmas, reflect and prepare a better year ahead. This year will be a little special. We may not be able to celebrate with a lot of people due to ...More

EJ Insight2020-11-25


... 試問美國民眾在本周的Thanksgiving還能如何感恩? 以上觀點自然亦有人表示不以為然,畢竟特朗普的得票也 ...全文


FedEx cuts 2020 profit, cites 'significant challenges'

... rrival of Thanksgiving shifted revenue from the Cyber Week holiday delivery surge into December, hurting results in its quarter ended Nov. 30. FedEx’s adjusted net income fell almost 39 percent to US$ ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-18


... lie Brown Thanksgiving)更獲得電視節目的艾美獎。1969年阿波羅10號登月時,查理布朗和 ...全文


Black Friday shoppers splurge over US$7 billion online

... raffic on Thanksgiving evening grew, indicating a shift in when consumers are leaving their homes to shop. It is also a sign of how Thursday evening store openings have continued to hurt what has trad ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-02

Thousands join rally to thank US for Hong Kong rights law

... ined the "Thanksgiving Day" rally, but police estimated the crowd at 9,600 at the peak, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reports. Police had earlier issued a letter of no objection for the gathering. Th ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-29

N Korea test-fires rockets in reminder of deadline for US

... th the US Thanksgiving holiday, and took place one day before the second anniversary of the North’s test of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of hitting the US mainland. South Korea ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-29

Trump makes surprise trip to Afghanistan on Thanksgiving

US President Donald Trump made a surprise Thanksgiving visit to American troops in Afghanistan on Thursday and said he believes Taliban insurgents in the country will agree to a ceasefire. “The Taliba ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-29

US Congress panel invites Trump to Dec 4 impeachment hearing

... rom their Thanksgiving recess. The Judiciary panel will use the report to consider formal charges that it could recommend for a full House vote by mid-December. It gave Trump until 6 pm (2300 GMT) on ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-27

疑敢言惹禍 公司指違反數據安全

... 為「感恩節四人幫」(Thanksgiving Four)。Google同日向全體職員發出內部備忘,指他們是因為 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年11月27日

Trump impeachment report to be issued early Dec: Adam Schiff

...  from the Thanksgiving holiday. In a letter to members of Congress, Schiff also said the report would include a catalog of White House refusals to cooperate with the inquiry, and that the Trump admini ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-26

Xi Jinping says keen to work out initial trade deal with US

... sday’s US Thanksgiving holiday, according to the report. -- Contact us at [email protected] RC ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-22

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