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... 詩(Tiffany Wong)和杜艾迪(Eddie Middleton)合作。 報道指,這一舉措在清算案件中很 ...全文


Ancora un classico senza tempo

外型經典雋永、舒適好走路、既可用於正裝場合又能切合日常休閒需要, Gucci Horsebit Loafer 1953跨越不同世代的生活風格,在潮流驚濤駭浪中保持relevance。 STYLING CHRISTOPHER LAIPHOTOGRAPHY IVAN WONG MEN'S HORSEBIT 1953 LOAFER from Gucci ...More

EJ Insight2024-06-11


...  獨立交易商Tai Wong表示,就業數據強勁及中國購金意願下滑,牽動金價有較大的跌幅。 此前,中國公布數據反 ...全文


Learning to Disagree

A core part of growing up, is coming to grips with two important facts: Firstly, it is possible for two reasonable individuals – each equipped with sufficient knowledge, insights, and understanding of ...More

EJ Insight2024-06-06

Learning to Fail

I have had the fortune of witnessing and speaking with many high-achievers – both students and friends alike – who struggle with a common problem: an inability to cope with what they perceive to be fa ...More

EJ Insight2024-06-06

新片突破9000萬元票房 陽剛林峯電影界闖高峰

...  髮型:Keith Wong@ rtify Lab 化妝:Raymond Yip 服裝:Denham@Lane ...全文


Why develop a smart city

... t; Ir TO Kwong Cheuk, Stanley, Senior Manager, Technical Systems, Technical Services Systems, Airport Authority Hong Kong; Mr. WONG Chi Kwong, Tony, JP, Government Chief Information Officer, Office of ...More

EJ Insight2024-06-03

中澳關係回暖 溫度仍然有限

... 黃英賢(Penny Wong)對於香港的「民主派初選案」裁決表達深切關注,歐盟、美國和英國亦聲稱密切留意。中國 ...全文


7月實施 維護國安沒針對別國

... 黃英賢(Penny Wong)、貿易部長法雷爾(Don Farrell)和農業部長瓦特(Murray Watt ...全文



針對澳洲外長黃英賢(Penny Wong)、歐盟對外行動署發言人、美英等國駐港總領館等就香港高等法院依法判決「 ...全文



... 黃英賢(Penny Wong)、貿易部長法雷爾(Don Farrell)和農業部長瓦特(Murray Watt ...全文


CVs, Careerism, and Living Life to the Fullest

I’ve been asked this question many a time before, “How do I make my CV look stronger?” I’ve had this ask directed to me by young professionals starting out in their careers, seeking to burnish their c ...More

EJ Insight2024-05-26

Is there life on Mars?

For eons, humanity has been fixated upon a very peculiar question: is there life beyond Earth? Is Outer Space inhabitable by a large human population? Could there be a planet out there in the universe ...More

EJ Insight2024-05-26

Some reflections on debating

I have the privilege and distinct claim to fame (or infamy) of having spent more time in my life doing competitive debate – than not. Indeed, I gave my first debate speech when I was a wee 12 years ol ...More

EJ Insight2024-05-20


... 王幹文(Jason Wong)為Norwich Capital Ltd行政總裁、SPAC發起人 ...全文

今日信報理財投資SPAC SPONOR之旅王幹文2024年05月20日

On Eurovision 2024

The Eurovision Song Contest is a regular fixture on the European arts and cultural scene – indeed, I’d go a step further and posit that it is an event that would catch the attention of those who are n ...More

EJ Insight2024-05-14


新加坡總理李顯龍交棒前接受訪問表示,希望協助繼任的黃循財(Lawrence Wong)建立威望,以他自己的方式 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2024年05月11日

Work hard or work smart?

I have long grappled with a quandary to which I have – perhaps unsurprisingly – very little solid ground to fall back on in answering. Indeed, this is a quandary that is shared by many of my fellow ac ...More

EJ Insight2024-05-09

On the Ethics of Protests and Why History Has Its Eyes on You

This is not a commentary on any particular, single episode of protests – whether it be the anti-‘reform’ protests in Israel, the pro-Gaza protests in the US, the protests against authoritarian encroac ...More

EJ Insight2024-05-09

Bermondsey Heights升值力強

... 經理Terence Wong表示,項目位處的SE15郵區,不論設施配備、商業領域,以至文化產業均持續發展,樓價 ...全文


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