... 者出現。從Siri和Alexa等AI驅動的聊天機器人,以至自動駕駛汽車,令消費者意識到智能時代不再遙遠。但讓大 ...全文
... 他說,亞馬遜智能助理Alexa和購物按鈕Dash能節省不少購買程序,方便用家購物,使對手更難累積實體店人流和網 ...全文
... r its own Alexa devices, the Bloomberg reports. Sales for Echo speakers based on Alexa’s voice-recognition software were nine times more than in the 2015 holiday season, Amazon said in a statement Tue ...More
EJ Insight2016-12-28
... 著名的百度更高;根據Alexa網站排名,Yandex緊隨全球5大搜索引擎,包括谷歌、百度、雅虎、Live.co ...全文
今日信報理財投資宏觀視野Vera Kurochkina2016年10月24日
... 立名字,例如亞馬遜的Alexa,因為Google期望這程式成為每位用家獨一無二的助理。 網絡私隱向來受關注,A ...全文
根據網路統計公司Alexa的資料,Facebook現時瀏覽量位居全球第3,僅次於Google和Youtube, ...全文
今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 寰球信識周承德2016年09月17日
... he city. Alexa Yau, a spokesperson for the online campaign, told pro-Beijing newspaper Wen Wei Po that there were over 130,000 registrations since the online signature collection began on August 10. ...More
EJ Insight2016-08-19
... 港註冊網媒按瀏覽量在Alexa.com上的本地排名【註1】。 名字改得好不好,常常是見仁見智;以筆者的姓名為 ...全文
... nd place. Alexa Chow, managing director of AMAC Human Resources Consultants, said more top managers in Hong Kong have been pursuing an EMBA program in the mainland in recent years. With increasing eco ...More
EJ Insight2015-10-20
... he staff. Alexa Chow, managing director of AMAC Human Resources Consultants, said a HK$400 coupon may not be too attractive to the employees. What is more important is for a company to boost the emplo ...More
EJ Insight2015-09-18
... eir jobs. Alexa Chow, managing director of AMAC Human Resources Consultants, said low unemployment and a minimum wage regime are enticing housewives to work again. However, those who have been away fr ...More
EJ Insight2015-07-28
... attitude. Alexa Chow, managing director of AMAC Human Resources Consultants, said she has been told by some employers that CUHK graduates are more hard-working and have fewer complaints, while those f ...More
EJ Insight2015-07-10
... New York. Alexa Chow, managing director of AMAC Human Resources Consultants, said many global companies grant housing allowances to their expatriate employees in Hong Kong to help them cope with the h ...More
EJ Insight2015-06-18
... b market. Alexa Chow, managing director of AMAC Human Resources Consultants, says graduates nowadays demand higher salaries, reducing their employment prospects. She says Hong Kong-invested firms in t ...More
EJ Insight2015-06-11
... acancies. Alexa Chow Yee-ping, managing director of AMAC Human Resources Consultants, attributed the rise in part-time jobs to the tendency of some graduates to opt for such work as they don't have to ...More
EJ Insight2015-05-19
... s showed. Alexa Chow Yee-ping, managing director of AMAC Human Resources Consultants Limited, said most companies adopt stringent procedures in tracking and screening candidates for top management pos ...More
EJ Insight2015-05-15
... r locals. Alexa Chow, managing director of Centaline Human Resources Consultants Ltd., said the new policy will attract potential migrants, especially second-generation Hong Kong Chinese. -- Contact u ...More
EJ Insight2015-04-29